Anybody need some cellular data?

Anyone have referral codes? About to switch three lines to one of them. Rogers is 270/mo, these will save me over $100/mo.

I see you've got one already, but if anyone else needs a Freedom referral. let me know.

Not sure how you're having credit check issues with a high 800, that sure seems like it's probably a website error. Honestly, go to a Freedom store and get setup there, they can do the port, get you a SIM card, and the whole kit and kaboodle while you wait, and if you want to do a phone upgrade (vs BYO) while you're there you can do that too.

My wife has been with Freedom since the Wind Mobile days (2012ish I think I switched her from Fido) and I joined her around 2015, a year befor the change to Freedom. The only reason I waited a few more years was that I spent a lot of time in areas outside their "home" network at the time, and the roaming limitations were much more restrictive back then. My wife on the other hand was working in Peterborough and the entire 401 & 35/115 (including Peterborough) area was "in network" with Wind back then, so it worked great for her.

We both moved to the "Everywhere 50" plans back around 2014 that included USA roaming (talk and text) included in the plan which was siply unheard of back then, and since we travel a lot it was huge. Up until then I'd maintained various physical SIM cards for T-Mobile and AT&T, but that was always a PITA.

Now we're both still super happy honestly. It has it's moments where you might end up with a weak signal or a dropped call or whatever, but it's less and less every year, and for what we're saving, it's a no brainer.
That gave me a credit if I proceed. Thanks. I was going to go with freedom as ideally I want the phones to work everywhere without needing to buy local sims and it sounds like freedom is better for that. Freedom is annoying me though so public may get a shot. They say my credit doesn't meet their requirements. It's high 800's.

Since you travel more than most, what do you do? Pick up local sim cards everywhere?

We've graduated to eSims. Soooo convenient. Takes like 5 minutes when everything moves smoothly. I do it using the airport wifi while waiting for our luggage to come off the carousel. By the time we get our suitcases, I'm already happily 5Ging away on the local carrier.

However, PM has been striking deals left right and centre with foreign carriers. Just in 2024 alone, they've rolled in US and Mexico carriers into their lower-priced plans.

I have no doubt in 2025 we'll see them roll EU carriers into the same plans. Which will be even more convenient!

The trend seems to be ever-increasing globalization with mobile telecom.
Moved phones to freedom. Now it says roaming when I'm at home but better call quality than robbers and shpuld be about 150 a month less.

Have to call robbers tomorrow to cancel the tablet plan and be free of them.
Mine is always roaming but works great

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
Never had a data thing.
I hate cell phones, but have one, with the worse prepaid plan going......$100/yr, 0 data, 0 free message, 10 free local minutes, $.50 min after etc etc badness.
Since apps are needed for almost, I got the $149/yr Freedom plan. 30gb for the year. Talk & text. Should work for me.
Seamless service at the store in the mall.
today, I got the $149/yr Freedom plan. 30gb for the year. Talk & text. Should work for me.
Seamless service at the store in the mall.

Be careful, once you get accustomed to having mobile data and start to use it (you may soon realize how handy it is), 30 gigs will go very fast. But being prepaid at least you shouldn't have to worry about overage fees, you'll just revert to having no data again I guess.
Never had a data thing.
I hate cell phones, but have one, with the worse prepaid plan going......$100/yr, 0 data, 0 free message, 10 free local minutes, $.50 min after etc etc badness.
Since apps are needed for almost, I got the $149/yr Freedom plan. 30gb for the year. Talk & text. Should work for me.
Seamless service at the store in the mall.
Waze should use less than 100mb/mo. I find it very helpful and it has saved me many hours of being stuck behind a crash.
Be careful, once you get accustomed to having mobile data and start to use it (you may soon realize how handy it is), 30 gigs will go very fast. But being prepaid at least you shouldn't have to worry about overage fees, you'll just revert to having no data again I guess.
If he stays away from video he shOuld be ok. Hard to browse these days without useless videos playing though. Amazon music uses a very unnecessary amount of data too.
Be careful, once you get accustomed to having mobile data and start to use it (you may soon realize how handy it is), 30 gigs will go very fast. But being prepaid at least you shouldn't have to worry about overage fees, you'll just revert to having no data again I guess.
My go to is my tablet. Always on wifi, I did a "rough" check, to see my usage. The most I've used in a month was always under 10gb.
I expect my phone usage to have leftover gb's after year one, because I'll seldom use it.
We'll see.......if I go over, it still works.....just slower.
..if I go over, it still works.....just slower.

Double check that. Freedom does indeed have "unlimited" data (at throttled speeds) on their regular plans, but I'm 95% sure this does not extend to prepaid plans.

Either way, if it works for you, winning!
Rogers updated my tablet plan from many many gigs for $13 to 100MB for $10 when the phones were removed. Ha. Told them to cancel it and they offered $35 phone plans for 24 months if I added phones back. F u guys.
Rogers updated my tablet plan from many many gigs for $13 to 100MB for $10 when the phones were removed. Ha. Told them to cancel it and they offered $35 phone plans for 24 months if I added phones back. F u guys.

Ah, good ole Customer Retentions. Always too little, too late.

Treat me right when I'm in your house. Not when I'm half-way out the door.

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