I play the sax; mainly standards and smooth jazz... I own a Selmer Soprano, Selmer Alto, and a Jupiter Tenor. Will up grade the tenor soon. Learning to play the clarinet, as well.
Sax ? is the $hit. Always wanted to play that.
I play the sax; mainly standards and smooth jazz... I own a Selmer Soprano, Selmer Alto, and a Jupiter Tenor. Will up grade the tenor soon. Learning to play the clarinet, as well.
Took guitar lessons many years ago but it didn't stick and I got frustrated and stoppedregret it but can't seem to get started again so guitar and amp sit there wasting away!
I heard you play the skin flute.I'm not a musician here or anywhere else. Can play a mean radio tho. Sorry.
If we weren't all so far apart, we should have a GTAM jam -- non-serious and booze involved type thing, but I doubt it work out as every one seems spread apart (especially Lightcycle), and I no longer have suitable gear to jam with -- as I sold my Marshall stack a few years back -- these days most of my playing runs through my computer and headphones.
The Jamulus software enables musicians to perform real-time jam sessions over the internet. There is one server running the Jamulus server software which collects the audio data from each Jamulus client, mixes the audio data and sends the mix back to each client.
I heard you play the skin flute.
LOL, I see you've been lying in wait. Enjoy!
I play the sax; mainly standards and smooth jazz... I own a Selmer Soprano, Selmer Alto, and a Jupiter Tenor. Will up grade the tenor soon. Learning to play the clarinet, as well.
You could jam together online using an application like Jamulus or SoundJack
musicians JAM ONLINE together with JAMULUS - advanced setup
Soundjack - Play music/rehearse together with others in real time online
If your gonna go for a new tenor as opposed to vintage I'd highly suggest the yamaha jazz series - I have an 82z unlaquered and its fantastic
The Selmer tenor is out of my price range, at this time, so, I am looking into the Yamaha tenor saxophones. I will be visiting Cosmo music soon to see what they have in Yamahas and test them out... looking at the EX or Z lines, as you mentioned.
No.....way.......You could jam together online using an application like Jamulus or SoundJack
musicians JAM ONLINE together with JAMULUS - advanced setup
Soundjack - Play music/rehearse together with others in real time online
No way im tje good way. I didnt even know this existed what a great idea.No way - good, Or no way - bad?
No way im tje good way. I didnt even know this existed what a great idea.