Any scotch lovers out there?

Thats the guy!
The photographer on that trip was a raging alcoholic, they probably buried the stuff to keep him out. Shackleton was an *** and a complete horndog in real life, but emerged from history as a genious leader. He lost nobody on that expedition, but should have lost everybody. Navigating the southern ocean and finding a remote whaling station and bringing back help after 600 miles in an open boat (think needle in haystack), he should have been shot for the mismanagemnet of the expedition but turning disaster into a hero story made him a legend.

I'm too lazy to google, so I'll just go according to my hazy memory.

From what I recall, it was a race to the south pole. I assume Shackleton might be British, but there was another nation who was competing in that race. I guess the British tried to hide his little secret and glorified his accomplishment. If I recall, he or his crew has military background, so it wasn't just some nobody who was competing in that race. It was certainly a good piece of history for sure.
Admundson the Norwegian guy got there first, legend has it he packed aquavit.
So to tie this to the whiskey thread, the reason you see scotch whiskey on the table and equipment manifests on the African conquests and North/South pole trips was american whiskey (corn) and canadian whiskey (rye) was unknown outside of the Americas. Scotch traveled to the himalayas and the Congo, most of asia and both poles during the golden age of exploration.
The Navy traveled on rum, since they could pick it up outside of home port and avoid all those nasty excise taxes.
Whiskey stones for fathers day from my daughter.The 15 yr old Macallan even tastes better!

Great fathers day today with my babies.
Just grabbed a bottle of Glenmorangie Lasanta from duty free. Can't wait to taste it.

lol glad I got it, apparently the lcbo doesn't sell it anymore.

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Just grabbed a bottle of Glenmorangie Lasanta from duty free. Can't wait to taste it.

Never seen that before, nice color. Hope LCBO brings it back!!! How much is a bottle? And don't forget to give a review here (I prefer the smoothness that a sherry cask imparts on a nice single malt!)
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I thought that way for a long time, and my Scottish relatives would crap a haggis if you dropped ice in a drink. But I've come to the conclusion its an indulgence and a treat and you should enjoy that treat however you wish.
Some girls like to be spanked before a good buggering, who am I to judge?
This. Also, some scotches have different flavours/subtleties that get brought out by different things. Although ice and/or water are the most common, you guys should really try soda some time(even with some of the finer single malts).
This. Also, some scotches have different flavours/subtleties that get brought out by different things. Although ice and/or water are the most common, you guys should really try soda some time(even with some of the finer single malts).
Ah heck,go all out and use Sprite.
My Aunti is over from Scotland. She brought me a bottle of 16yo Glen Deveron. It's a Speyside Single Malt. Quite nice.
Never seen that before, nice color. Hope LCBO brings it back!!! How much is a bottle? And don't forget to give a review here (I prefer the smoothness that a sherry cask imparts on a nice single malt!)

I payed 59 at the boarder. Not sure what it was selling for at the lcbo though. Going to try it next week.

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Glenmorangie is a half decent bar scotch. Wouldn't serve it to my friends, but it's potable.

Meh, I like buying a different bottle every time and trying it out. Every one has different tastes when it comes to scotch so what's potable to you my be yummy to others.

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Picked this up at the duty free today after touring the Green Mtns in Vermont.
Picked this up at the duty free today after touring the Green Mtns in Vermont.

That's my latest buy. Same deal bought duty free. Johnny blue beats it but I find its one of the best scotch I've ever drank.

Oh ps get rid if the rocks and sip it room temperature from a warmed glass. Add 10:1 scotch to water ratio and you can thank me in the morning

Ur welcome :)
I'm still trying to justify the age thing. LCBO had a set of three Glenfiddich minis 12, 15 and 18 years old for about $90. I can't say I can tell or appreciate the difference. The good thing is it means I can keep buying the cheap stuff.
^ keep your eyes open at the LCBO as there's the occasional "deal" there on scotch. A good few months back the bottle of scotch aged in sherry casks in the pic several posts above this one was on a ridiculous sale for a week or so. Having said that, scotch "deals" are never really much of a deal this side of the border usually though.
Doing shots with my friends in SC right now. I'm hammered!


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Doing shots with my friends in SC right now. I'm hammered!
That's why you posted in the Scotch thread. p.s. 7up is better than Sprite for mix.
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