It stacks up very competitively with the top superbikes. Nice bike. The looks aren't for me (a bit too angular) but I really like the bike nonetheless.
Second year KTM RC8 stacked up well against the Ducati 1098 which didn't stack up well against the Japanese bikes of that year at all!
RC8R is on par with an 1198, but again, they don't do so well against the Japanese 1Ls, which were all smoked by the BMW S1000R in the past 2 years.
The RC8 was a great first effort...quite amazing for any first effort actually, that is until BMW spanked everyone!
Either way the RC8 is a great experience, rare, and stunning....a fitting usurper to the likes of Bimota or Benelli in terms of unique exotica.
First year of the RC8 had a crap gear box which they sorted out in their second year of production.
KTM reign supreme in the off road world though...think Dakar racing, etc. The Superduke enduro is insane fun.
At around a $22k price tag for the RC8, it also has elitist cafe pose down credentials up there with the MV Augusta (not the new one), and Ducati, but has the "WTF is that?" factor that only die hard riders can appreciate!