Interesting @GreyGhost…whenever we go to Europe their large transport trucks look nothing like the ones here.
Basically have a completely flat front end, not the big hood as what we’re used to when we think of big rigs.
Cabovers. I spent the first 5 years of my driving career behind the wheel of one of those. They're pretty much not seen in North America anymore except for the survivors still left on the roads....mostly classics now really. I don't think any manufacturer is making them anymore.
They had advantages and disadvantages. The reason our North American "big long nose" tractors aren't a thing in Europe is because their dimensions need to be tighter for their crappy tight road network compared to ours. Our trucks just wouldn't work there.
those of us in the market in 1999/2000 have seen many companies like this....
Yep, Tesla is in a giant bubble. When it bursts there's gonna be a lot of fanboys grasping at straws.
Anyhow, on a different note. We picked up this little critter a week ago Friday.

Gen2 Premiere loaded to the hilt. There was not a box on the build sheet that went unchecked on this car - literally not a single available option that it doesn't have. Adaptive cruise, self park, lane keep assist, heated and power everything. Hell, even the green-ring lighted charging port.. Only 80K on it and it's spent all it's life in an underground parking lot and was treated with kid gloves by it's original owner (they *really* looked after it) so it looks literally like the day it rolled off the dealers lot inside and out.
Still has new car smell even.
My wife fell in love with it immediately as did I. So we brought it home.
As was the case with all my previous EV purchases (except for the Ioniq, it went well actually), this one ended up with some unnecessary drama and hoops to jump through which is a story in itself, but at just a little over $23K for a loaded Gen2 I'm super happy.
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