Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

The dealership model is changing rapidly. Many dealers have switched to one price, no negotiation tactics. Manufacturers are moving into direct to consumer sales models, using the dealer network just for delivery and final paperwork. This isn't for increased profits, but what their market research says is the best for consumer satisfaction.

Theory is consumers are tired (rightfully) of the old model of haggling for hours over what is effectively pennies. People want an upscale experience instead of going to a flea market.
There's almost always negotiation tactics as many of the buyers are trading something in. The movement on the trade often exceeds the available movement on the new vehicle.

I do agree, I find the games incredibly annoying. Just give me your best price (it can be MSRP if you think you can get it) and I'll let you know if it works for me. Don't come back after I told you that I went with something else at a much lower price. That gets you booted from the list that even gets talked to the next time I buy a vehicle.
The Metris? I had a really good look at one of those. What a disappointing, overpriced overrated piece of junk.

I'm convinced people get swayed by the badge on the grill.

I actually looked at one as a service van.
From what I read about it. Most guys rave about it as a service van. Great on fuel and cargo capacity.
Don't know how it would do as a family van.
I wanted a Ford transit as my family car....wife said ‘no chance in hell will you ever see me in that thing’

meanwhile my buddy just leases the new MB (not sprinter the small one). That thing drives great.
My kid has some transit connects he uses in his business, one is the 5 seater with windows all around (he drives that one). Not as comfy as a Caravan or Odyssey, but kiss both of those on utility. Try popping out the back seat of an odyssey to make room to move your motorcycle.
Did I miss the release of the production vehicle then??? Where is the nearest dealer? Oh right you buy it on the internet, so does a man from the internet come and service it for you when it breaks?

They neve gave Tucker this much time before hauling his ass into court, and he actually had production running by the time the feds raided him.
Ford has also invested more than $500million into Rivian so there's that.
My kid has some transit connects he uses in his business, one is the 5 seater with windows all around (he drives that one). Not as comfy as a Caravan or Odyssey, but kiss both of those on utility. Try popping out the back seat of an odyssey to make room to move your motorcycle.
Do people actually move bikes in vans (other than steal them of course)? My last SS that I sold the guy (kid) showed up in a van and used that but is this really a popular thing?
I pull the middle seats (rears fold into floor) of the wife's Odyssey all the time to haul 4x8' sheets, dryer, tool chests, whatever, and it's great and all but I'm putting the bikes on the trailer or would rent one if I didn't have one.
Ford has also invested more than $500million into Rivian so there's that.

Do people actually move bikes in vans (other than steal them of course)? My last SS that I sold the guy (kid) showed up in a van and used that but is this really a popular thing?
I pull the middle seats (rears fold into floor) of the wife's Odyssey all the time to haul 4x8' sheets, dryer, tool chests, whatever, and it's great and all but I'm putting the bikes on the trailer or would rent one if I didn't have one.
I move bikes all the time in a Transit Connect. My small dirt bike and a Ninja 250 fits. I can move a bigger bike but the back door needs to be strapped closed.
Happy to report that my now 10 year old Volt, on it's original battery, still exceeds it's factory rated range.

Today's drive:


And still had 2km left.


Current tank 1965km with 12.2L used, all of which was on my test-tows with the trailer...otherwise it'd have been about 2L. I think I last filled up February.

Guess that horrible GM engineering and battery that was almost due for replacement 4 years ago (*cough*, post #2 in this thread) is faring better than expected.

Bumpers and roof still firmly attached as well! ;)
Happy to report that my now 10 year old Volt, on it's original battery, still exceeds it's factory rated range.

Today's drive:

And still had 2km left.

Current tank 1965km with 12.2L used, all of which was on my test-tows with the trailer...otherwise it'd have been about 2L. I think I last filled up February.

Guess that horrible GM engineering and battery that was almost due for replacement 4 years ago (*cough*, post #2 in this thread) is faring better than expected.

Bumpers and roof still firmly attached as well! ;)

Yes, lets all run out and buy a Volt. I hear GM can't produce them fast enough.

In other news, I've wired my third Tesla charger this week with more scheduled soon, definitely an upward trend from a company that builds cars that people actually WANT.

my 4 year prediction stands, Tesla continues to lead the way.
Yes, lets all run out and buy a Volt. I hear GM can't produce them fast enough.

In other news, I've wired my third Tesla charger this week with more scheduled soon, definitely an upward trend from a company that builds cars that people actually WANT.

my 4 year prediction stands, Tesla continues to lead the way.
What are you talking about? GM sold 2.5M cars in the US in 2020, compared to .5M Teslas sold worldwide in 2020.

Sure, they don't make the Volt anymore, doesn't mean they don't produce cars people actually want. Maybe YOU don't want them, but you're not 'people' in general!

Also, your fanboism doesn't discount the successful engineering that went into the volt. FFS man, ease up.
I don’t understand the hate by @SunnY S on the Volt/Bolt. It’s a car, it’s not for everyone, and taste to suit what each one of us needs. Especially guys like me who are dipping into the EV but not 100% ready to commit.
I don’t understand the hate by @SunnY S on the Volt/Bolt. It’s a car, it’s not for everyone, and taste to suit what each one of us needs. Especially guys like me who are dipping into the EV but not 100% ready to commit.

Sunny has two settings. Fanboy and hater.
Sunny has two settings. Fanboy and hater.

And there is absolutely positively no sensible middle ground. That’s the problem with fanboys.

The Volt was a technological masterpiece that came before it’s time. Once electric pickup trucks become mainstream If a manufacturer came along and offered the Voltec drivetrain system in it that 100% removed every shred of range anxiety (IE, my favorite phrase to explain the Volt - “Electric when you can, Gas when you need it!”) for those towing trailers or whatever (the most common argument I hear against electric pickups) I think a lot of people would love it and would revel in the idea, completely oblivious to the reality that it existed 15 or 20 years previous already in the Volt.
GM, Ford, Honda, etc. are businesses that sell vehicles. They are responsible to the their shareholders and they have accountants. Models (Volt, Bolt, whatever) need to have a business case to continue to be made. SUVs and Pick-ups currently rule the large scale NA markets. specially for the domestics.

Tesla has both share holders and accountants but is not currently operating within the same fundamentals. To get in the same arena they need to increase current production in the area of 3000% (or price). That likely won't happen organically, the "exit strategy" could be to buy an automaker.

Even in Ontario EVs are being heavily subsidized, still today. Based on a quick look 50¢ (maybe more) of each litre of gasoline is tax here. The taxes have different names of course but it all goes to general coffers. Home charged EVs are paying some other taxes but nowhere near the same amount. Well that is at least $1K in taxes yearly not being paid on average, which is a tax subsidy. If everyone switched to electric tomorrow for personal transportation that is ballpark $24B in tax revenue loss for Canada....

All the EV guys I know (and I know many) fall into two groups on this one:
  • Totally acknowledge this and admit they are taking advantage of this yearly "tax subsidy" because they like everyone hates paying tax.
  • They disagree with the above on taxes because they think they are somehow "special".
Remember while taxes have names, it is all one big bucket. Regardless as EVs become the main mode of transportation in the coming years/decade?.... taxes will go up somewhere else, I expect yearly plate fees in the $1200 to $1500 range to be the norm or GPS based mileage charges. Another possibility is to force a design change for new EVs that will not permit them to be home charged and force them to charging stations, where the full taxes get paid.
GM, Ford, Honda, etc. are businesses that sell vehicles. They are responsible to the their shareholders and they have accountants. Models (Volt, Bolt, whatever) need to have a business case to continue to be made. SUVs and Pick-ups currently rule the large scale NA markets. specially for the domestics.

Tesla has both share holders and accountants but is not currently operating within the same fundamentals. To get in the same arena they need to increase current production in the area of 3000% (or price). That likely won't happen organically, the "exit strategy" could be to buy an automaker.

Even in Ontario EVs are being heavily subsidized, still today. Based on a quick look 50¢ (maybe more) of each litre of gasoline is tax here. The taxes have different names of course but it all goes to general coffers. Home charged EVs are paying some other taxes but nowhere near the same amount. Well that is at least $1K in taxes yearly not being paid on average, which is a tax subsidy. If everyone switched to electric tomorrow for personal transportation that is ballpark $24B in tax revenue loss for Canada....

All the EV guys I know (and I know many) fall into two groups on this one:
  • Totally acknowledge this and admit they are taking advantage of this yearly "tax subsidy" because they like everyone hates paying tax.
  • They disagree with the above on taxes because they think they are somehow "special".
Remember while taxes have names, it is all one big bucket. Regardless as EVs become the main mode of transportation in the coming years/decade?.... taxes will go up somewhere else, I expect yearly plate fees in the $1200 to $1500 range to be the norm or GPS based mileage charges. Another possibility is to force a design change for new EVs that will not permit them to be home charged and force them to charging stations, where the full taxes get paid.
Yup. The theoretical "road tax" that is part of fuel needs to come from somewhere. I am surprised that EV plates don't already come with a sticker renewal that more accurately reflects costs for the road network they use for free. Things like the Volt make that distinction very difficult as I'm sure some almost never use gas and some almost never plug in.
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