Yes, we did have that argument. I believe the price of gas was closer to $1.40 and the e-car equation was a challenge at that price.
There are really two things to take away from this discussion: 1) It's near impossible to save money by choosing an ecar today. 2) Ecars need to be competitively priced for wide scale adoption.
Actually I did! I took a ride around town this aft. Most years I head to the local rinks the week before Christmas dressed as Santa. I hop the boards and skate with the 5 year olds for a shift then leave -- surprises everyone in the rink. Can't do it this year so I'm riding around Markham in my suit tomorrow, the few kids that saw me riding today went absolutely nuts.
While not representative for all, being able to drive the HOV lane saves me about 2 hours/week in commute. Considering my salary, the ICE cars don't even come close. I could spend $100k on a Tesla and it would probably be more economical than ICE. But most importantly I spend more time doing the things I want to than sitting in traffic.
I have no clue what the maintenance intervals are for ICE cars right now, but in my first 60,000km, I have done two oil changes, only because they were free, but not needed and that's it for servicing. Also don't spend time pumping gas touching nasty gas pumps. The govt rebate also made it easier on initial purchase.
On the flip side, I do enjoy driving a stick shift more than driving the electric.
While not representative for all, being able to drive the HOV lane saves me about 2 hours/week in commute. Considering my salary, the ICE cars don't even come close. I could spend $100k on a Tesla and it would probably be more economical than ICE. But most importantly I spend more time doing the things I want to than sitting in traffic.
I have no clue what the maintenance intervals are for ICE cars right now, but in my first 60,000km, I have done two oil changes, only because they were free, but not needed and that's it for servicing. Also don't spend time pumping gas touching nasty gas pumps. The govt rebate also made it easier on initial purchase.
On the flip side, I do enjoy driving a stick shift more than driving the electric.
nasty gas pumps, nasty electric plugs..i'm not really seeing a difference, unless you infer that you only plug from home.
some brands/models are up to 16k between oil changes, but let's just say it's 8km to keep it relative to the econo boxes. That's 8 oil changes if you don't cheat one. If Joe Plumber bought his own oil and filter it's probably $40? So a savings of $320 over 2 years? Not chump change but i spend more then that on my video games soo..
The percentage of people who do their own oil changes anymore, or any basic maintenance for that matter, is plummeting.
Hell, I bet 75% of the motoring public today (and that's being conservative) couldn't identify where the air filter is located under their own cars hood.
Seems to be no shortage of "quickie oil change" places all over the place charging $70-$100+ (depending if you fall for the upsells) for an oil change. And of course they insist you need to come back "every 3 months of 5000km!", of course.
nasty gas pumps, nasty electric plugs..i'm not really seeing a difference, unless you infer that you only plug from home.
some brands/models are up to 16k between oil changes, but let's just say it's 8km to keep it relative to the econo boxes. That's 8 oil changes if you don't cheat one. If Joe Plumber bought his own oil and filter it's probably $40? So a savings of $320 over 2 years? Not chump change but i spend more then that on my video games soo..
Yeah I only charge at home. Charger is programmed to off peak so it keeps it simple.
As for the oil changes, the most important thing for me personally is my time, so while the raw cost of doing oil changes at home is cheaper, it costs much more than that for the time I spend on that vs. something I enjoy more like riding or whatever. But some people enjoy doing their own oil changes, so what's important to me is meaningless to their experience.
Yeah I only charge at home. Charger is programmed to off peak so it keeps it simple.
As for the oil changes, the most important thing for me personally is my time, so while the raw cost of doing oil changes at home is cheaper, it costs much more than that for the time I spend on that vs. something I enjoy more like riding or whatever. But some people enjoy doing their own oil changes, so what's important to me is meaningless to their experience.
The percentage of people who do their own oil changes anymore, or any basic maintenance for that matter, is plummeting.
Hell, I bet 75% of the motoring public today (and that's being conservative) couldn't identify where the air filter is located under their own cars hood.
Seems to be no shortage of "quickie oil change" places all over the place charging $70-$100+ (depending if you fall for the upsells) for an oil change. And of course they insist you need to come back "every 3 months of 5000km!", of course.
I don't even bother doing my own on daily drivers anymore. Mine is under warranty so to minimize the pain if issues arise, I let the dealer give it ~yearly changes (and they have been reasonably priced so far in a shocking change from the past). My wife drives a Hyundai so quick oil change place is good enough and I wouldn't save much doing it at home and I would have to get rid of the oil. If bigger maintenance jobs are required, I do them as the cost savings make it worthwhile. I wouldn't miss having to pull off an intake manifold to change a bad coil pack once we go EV. Just a pain in the ass job that brings no joy.
As my back has got worse and bones ache easier after bending the wrong way for extended desire to do my own car maintenance has waned. I still do oil changes myself on the Volt (a grand total of 1 in the 2 years I've owned it) and super basic things like swapping the snow tires for the summers, etc etc...but things I used to do like wheel bearing changes, ball joints, exhaust....ugh, I just pay someone now instead.
As my back has got worse and bones ache easier after bending the wrong way for extended desire to do my own car maintenance has waned. I still do oil changes myself on the Volt (a grand total of 1 in the 2 years I've owned it) and super basic things like swapping the snow tires for the summers, etc etc...but things I used to do like wheel bearing changes, ball joints, exhaust....ugh, I just pay someone now instead.
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