Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

I think there is some ignorance by whoever wrote that article.

Charging stations can only be used by people who are charging their car. My wife has a Leaf. It doesn’t mean she can used the EV slot any time. She can only use the EV slot if she is charging the car and the only for up to 4 hours on a public lot.

Not trying to condone this behaviour. Someone invested in installing the charging station and are trying to run a business. I have no sympathy for those who get towed, ICE, EV, or even Hydrogen... LOL

There is a big education program going on in CA at the moment
It doesn’t mean she can used the EV slot any time. She can only use the EV slot if she is charging the car

You should tell a lot of EV owners that last bit. Because it's quite common that I go to places with chargers and find EV owners have parked there, but aren't actually using the chargers. That really irks me as a Volt owner...but I could imagine it would be even more infuriating for a 100% EV owner who may actually *need* that charger vs having the ability to use gas to continue on if need be.
Charging stations can only be used by people who are charging their car. My wife has a Leaf. It doesn’t mean she can used the EV slot any time. She can only use the EV slot if she is charging the car and the only for up to 4 hours on a public lot.

The ones I saw in Hamilton today had a 1 hr max sign on them. it was at a Mall, so it's actually private parking, though.
New GoodLife head office has 4 EV charging spots.

I’ve driven by the lot dozens of times. The spots are always taken, but I’ve never seen an EV parked in any of them.
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caboose56 said:
I’ve driven by the lot dozens of times. The spots are always taken, but I’ve never seen an EV parked in any of them.

Long story short: A lot of people are selfish self absorbed ********.
Long story short: A lot of people are selfish self absorbed ********.

On a day like today I'll go to the mall really early, get a great parking spot then sit with the parking brake tight and the reverse lights on. And go no place.

What are you saying???
Know what would be awesome ...

To be legal to double-park an EV outside of someone "ice"-ing the spot provided that said EV is charging.

If someone comes back to find that their combustion-engine vehicle is blocked from getting out, too freaking bad.
I'd imagine the CAA is working on a plan now that the AAA is up to speed. Would alleviate some of the range anxiety knowing that worst case scenario is having to make a call and wait for the juice to come to you.

Probably less logistically challenging to just tow the car to nearest charging station.

No special equipment and the driver doesn’t need to sit there waiting. Unless they’re providing DCFC capability with those trucks we are probably talking 32a L2 charging which isn’t exactly super speedy. .
Unless they’re providing DCFC capability with those trucks we are probably talking 32a L2 charging which isn’t exactly super speedy.

Most of the trucks are 240v and L3

"The trucks all use onboard generators—powered by diesel, gasoline, or LP natural gas—and are capable of providing 240-volt Level 2 charging, with most also compatible with Level 3 fast charging"
GM is shooting for 180 mile range charge in 10 minutes. Oh, and don't tell Sunny. Christmas is already heart attack season

It’s much more convenient to tow your hydrogen powered car a few States away to fuel it up.
It’s much more convenient to tow your hydrogen powered car a few States away to fuel it up.

I’d probably just erect my portable lightning machine to cause electrolysis in the surrounding air, then collect my hydrogen, pour it into the car, and be on my merry way.
I’d probably just erect my portable lightning machine to cause electrolysis in the surrounding air, then collect my hydrogen, pour it into the car, and be on my merry way.

As long as you're not in New Jersey on a windy day, you should be fine.
ah, yes, all these promises from GM, "working on super fast charging", "electrification future", promises promises. They live in their own delusional world where they dream that they will take over, yet continue to produce lackluster models.

another fearless prediction, VW group, will be a leader in the electric car race, not GM despite all their boasts.

Until then, you know whats amazing? in a market where SUVs and trucks are all the craze, Tesla is still killing it with a CAR, a full electric car at that.

after a decade as an industry leader do we find out the VW factory sealed batteries are full of asbestos and nuclear waste??
after a decade as an industry leader do we find out the VW factory sealed batteries are full of asbestos and nuclear waste??

That €28B rap on the knuckles pretty much solved that problem.

This article on the Clarity will make sunny tight in the pants.

Nah, plug in hybrids are stupid, remember?

Sunny S said:
Electric owners will rarely admit that once the novelty wears off of plugging in your car every night, it really is a royal pain in the arse.

AND EV's suck completely.

Sunny S said:
They and others actually leap frogged electric car tech by getting ahead on Hydrogen power cars. ZERO emissions, 5 min filling, and long range! and no silly plugging in your car every night...

And hey, lets not forget that the PHEV Clarity is basically a second gen Volt. And the Volt was cancelled because it sucked and GM never sold any. But the Clarity is a Honda, so it's cool, and they're obviously selling billions of them. And plugging them in really isn't that bad, because, Honda.

But, TESLA! That'll get the hard on raging.

GateKeeper said:
or buy a Tesla......
Sunny S said:
They are in a league of their own
Sunny S said:
Oh yeah, pull up in a Tesla Model S.... Instant WIN.

But...plugging in that Tesla, what a pain in the ***.

Sunny S said:
Electric owners will rarely admit that once the novelty wears off of plugging in your car every night, it really is a royal pain in the arse.

But, Tesla is cool!

Sunny S said:
Not quite. Tesla has shown that Electric cars are a viable option TODAY.

Tonight, the handouts of the first Model 3s take place.

This car will be a game changer.

But electric cars suck! Hydrogen!!!!!1!!!!

Sunny S said:
They and others actually leap frogged electric car tech by getting ahead on Hydrogen power cars. ZERO emissions, 5 min filling, and long range! and no silly plugging in your car every night....

But.. "Silly plug-ins!" And HYDROGEN, suckas!

Sunny S said:
No, it won't be here "tomorrow", and no, it won't replace full electrics, but its coming and its a better way than silly pluggin in as mentioned earlier. , Hydrogen is doing very well in California

But hybrid!

Sunny S said:
its just common knowledge that non plug in Hybrids are a better...

But Honda!

Sunny S said:
Honda Clarity plug in hybrid is rolling out in the US right now, not too long before it comes to canada.

Has comparable range to the Volt electric wise.

Charges to full in 2.5 hours on a level 2 charger. I'm pretty sure the Volt takes much longer.

the early reviews indicate that the build quality and quality of this interior reaches near luxury levels.

and Hey, its a Honda.

The Chevy Bolt sucks!

Sunny S said:
NOBODY is and never will be excited about the Bolt.

The Bolt is OK!

Sunny S said:
The only pure Electric worthy of consideration is the Bolt (

Oh geez, lets jizz on Musk again.

Sunny S said:
just about EVERYBODY is excited about the Tesla, even if they never will own one. its truly a game changer.

But, gaaaaah! Pluggging in SUCKS!

Sunny S said:
Think of what a pain it is every day/night when you come home, say with a load of groceries, or screaming kids, a long tired day at work, etc. you forget to plug your damn charger in, then what?

But Tesla! But Hydrogen!1! Hybrid! Honda! Tesla! Hybrid!?!

Whew. It's a lot of work carrying those goalposts all over the place.
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