Another hit to our economy.....


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Wouldn't surprise me if our ketchup will be made in China sometime soon.
Might be nice if we could invest a little more in this country towards true and diverse innovation rather than being servants to US conglomerates that will always look at the bottom line when thinking about their future. Heinz, Caterpillar, Hershey (Smith's Falls), this list is only going to get bigger and the communities that are affected will grow.
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I think the Ontario and Canadian governments should be much more strict in protecting companies that come here and then shut down to relocate. Take back any incentives provided to the firms. The company I work for is one of the three listed by jc100.

but this is the reality of the global economy.
I think the Ontario and Canadian governments should be much more strict in protecting companies that come here and then shut down to relocate. Take back any incentives provided to the firms. The company I work for is one of the three listed by jc100.

but this is the reality of the global economy.

I don't see how the government could prevent this from happening, especially 100+ years later. It was a business decision on the behalf of Berkshire and 3G.

Also, you're a Hershey man? Sorry to hear.
I think that in specific cases where a company signs a specific contract where job guarantees (or other commitments) are exchanged for government funding or support, then yes, legal cases demanding punitive damages are appropriate should be pursued. Asset seizures if necessary.

For instance, US Steel guaranteed to keep the main Hamilton steel plant in production for X years as a condition of their takeover/purchase of Stelco. It wasn't even really a long time, like 5 years or so - we're not talking about bankrupting US Steel in perpetuity or something. But they closed up the mill less than 2 years into the agreement.

In a case like that, I'd say hell yeah, sue the pants off of them. If Corporations can demand compensation for cancelled government programs like gas plants, transit lines, and the rest, surely that goes both ways.

Unless we want corporations breaking agreements with the government every time they feel like it, with no consequences at all (not that that's all that far off the reality...), our leaders have to drop the hammer when companies try to weasel out, free of charge.

I'm not asking for "OMG SOCIALISM", just for written contracts to be honoured. Which is kind of important to a functioning economy.
i heard on the news that McDonalds will not carry heinz ketchup because they hired a ceo from from another big franchise
i heard on the news that McDonalds will not carry heinz ketchup because they hired a ceo from from another big franchise

ya dude used to work at burger king lol

dunno if thats true, i too heard that on the radio.

guys guys relax, we'll just keep building houses and selling them to each other at inflated prices till we all get rich! :D
Also, sorry about the job, mimico. :/

Thanks. 38 days as of today!

I also agree with Mongrel and Dresden...not much you can do about a company that's been around for over 100 years or 50 years. That's IMHO typically a valid business case decision. I was in Leamington a few months ago and the plant takes up a huge parcel of land, and looks fairly run down from the outside...inside I'm sure it's a different story. I met the manager of the water and wastewater plants in Leamington years ago and he said the same thing 'If they ever shut down, we're ****ed'...well I guess that time has come.

Also the issue of having a full city/county formed around a single business. It'll devastate the region. I hope the farmers / producers and all the affected employees are able to continue making ketchup or whatever they can make from tomatoes and keep that economy going.

In the steel company's case in Hamilton, they purchased the plant with an agreement that no one will lose their jobs. First it was a few of the furnaces that were shut down, then a few more, and then the final and fifth one is (or already is) slated to shut down. This took a simple matter of a few years into the contract. So it's all ********. They purchased the competitor, shut them down, and now move on with their lives. Their official argument is there's not enough demand for Canadian steel, but there's plenty for Chinese steel. I don't know the price differential personally.

Anyway it sucks because we will continue to see this, and I'm personally sad because Canada has always been a great country but I'm sad to see more and more Canadian companies being snapped up by international firms only to take the IP and go back home.
[sarcasm]No worries...we have the condo and housing market to keep the Canadian economy going...[/sarcasm]

Wouldn't surprise me if our ketchup will be made in China sometime soon.
By now no one should be shocked that the Chinese are filthy.

Dude, thats racist!!

but while we're on that subject, the most disgusting thing i found when i was in China for two weeks is that everyone spits everywhere...

Like middle of day, busy street, walkway full, some dude will hock a loogie right on the sidewalk. No second thought, and no-one will respond or be offended...

and it happens frequently, so frequenty that the sidewalk is full of wet spots...

Its like walking through a minefield, ALL the time.

here's an excerpt from a blog

There is absolutely no cultural taboo in China when it comes to spitting. In deed this action seems as normal as breathing to most local people and so there is no shame in doing it anywhere at any time. A little phlegmy in the elevator? hock a loogie in the corner. Has shopping loosened a phlegm wad, then just meander over to the trashcan and spit it right out. The spitting itself wouldn’t be so bad, but the gut wrenching ferocity of the sound that accompanies it is nauseating. It’s a guttural rumble that works its way up from the belly, through the throat with the help of several hacking breaths then is forced out the mouth with a final repulsing expulsion. It makes me shutter to just write about.
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Dude, thats racist!!

but while we're on that subject, the most disgusting thing i found when i was in China for two weeks is that everyone spits everywhere...

Like middle of day, busy street, walkway full, some dude will hock a loogie right on the sidewalk. No second thought, and no-one will respond or be offended...

and it happens frequently, so frequenty that the sidewalk is full of wet spots...

Its like walking through a minefield, ALL the time.

here's an excerpt from a blog

It ain't racist , i said Chinese, I didn't say Asians. Chinese aren't a race
Anyone who visits china and doesn't have to is a moron, same thing with disgusting India. If everyone is trying to come here from these countries why do idiot westerners think its good to go visit those garbage dumps
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