Another Beautiful Day for a Ride! Anyone else get out today?

went out for some quick errands, it was stupid cold. hands were numb inside gloves. (awful gloves)

still, turned some heads, was worth it.

lucky you. Nice bike btw... those headlights remain to be the sexiest to this day.

I took a little trip from Dover up to Simcoe and then down to Port Ryerse today and stopped for a couple photos... I'm getting excited about the approaching riding season seeing as how it's going to be my first full season ever... :D

Anyone else get out today to enjoy the brief sunshine??

Saw a guy this morning at Hurontario and Bovaird. Looked to be a Honda 250 with a loud exhaust. Heard the bike coming before i saw it.
It's pouring rain out now in Pickering, and should be all day. Sweet, road cleansing, rain. This weekend should be full of rides :)

Agreed! Let it rain rain rain today! The weekend's supposed to be very nice and I'll be picking up the bike from storage tomorrow/Sunday...then a ride on Monday!
wouldnt even think of it till the first good hard rain....still waaay too much salt out there for the bikes little parts!
Road to class, little cold but not to bad

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wouldnt even think of it till the first good hard rain....still waaay too much salt out there for the bikes little parts!

+1 on that plus all the snowbanks which will be melting with the warmer temps will put more dirt back on the roads. Plus the daytime highs will be warm but still melting and then too close to zero overnight, I leave between 5 - 6 am still dark and too much risk for overnight freezing. Still likely a couple of weeks for anyone who isn't in the core, and who don't want all the sand and salt in their Good luck and be safe to those who can't wait. Every year we see threads about people going down to salt, sand or early morning frost on the roads.
lucky you. Nice bike btw... those headlights remain to be the sexiest to this day.

Thanks pal! :D I agree they're just sexy! :D

Man I feel bad for the people who are still getting snow... that sucks. This winter has overstayed it's welcome!

+1 on that plus all the snowbanks which will be melting with the warmer temps will put more dirt back on the roads. Plus the daytime highs will be warm but still melting and then too close to zero overnight, I leave between 5 - 6 am still dark and too much risk for overnight freezing. Still likely a couple of weeks for anyone who isn't in the core, and who don't want all the sand and salt in their Good luck and be safe to those who can't wait. Every year we see threads about people going down to salt, sand or early morning frost on the roads.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]I may be overly excited because I just got my license and bike in September last year... if I go down I go down, that won't stop be from riding, but you do really need to anticipate sand and salt to prevent it as much as possible! No falls this year yet... :D I make sure to give it a good rinse off when I'm done to get rid of the salt that accumulates, then used my air compressor and a blower attachment on it to dry off the electronics.[/FONT]

But yeah 6am wouldn't be a fun commute yet, I only got out for about an hour on my lunch when it was nice yesterday here.
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I'm looking at Monday 31st as "the" day. I hope it rains hard every day from now until then.
*rubs hands selfishly*
wouldnt even think of it till the first good hard rain....still waaay too much salt out there for the bikes little parts!

It looks like it will rain all day today, and some tomorrow as well. That should get rid of most of the salt, hopefully.
Guy down the street just rode his cruiser past my house.... guess he couldn't wait either. :D
Guy down the street just rode his cruiser past my house.... guess he couldn't wait either. :D

I wouldn't read to much into it, he's probably just going for a ride.
You have confused me.

He couldn't wait... to go for a ride....yes, he's going for a ride...
Guy down the street just rode his cruiser past my house.... guess he couldn't wait either. :D

My neighbor has had his harley out twice. His driveway is still a couple inches thick of ice. You should see the amusement I get watching him try to get it down the driveway without eating **** :lmao:
Going to be pulling out of my drive way tomorrow. Oil change and fill up the tires. Its about time really, the last 3 or 4 years I have had a month of riding already.
Roads were beautiful around here today, my side road was wet but once I got to the main roads they were nice and dry. Had a spirited ride along the lakeshore out to Nanticoke and back for lunch. Ahhh nothing like it for stress relief after staring at a computer all other hours of the day!
Looks like I'm about 30-45 minutes to lift-off. Gunna head up to Timmies, nothing stupid. If you don't hear from me everything's good. I don't want to make a fuss.
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