Angry now: what are my options. (help)

I was going to say Celine Dion going On and ON and ON and ON and ON and ON in a loop tape.


appropriate music opposite what you think the individual would like of course in my case it was reggae music the complete opposite Acdc.
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sound proof drywall,may be easier than fighting.

In order for sound proof drywall to work he would have to build another wall beside the said wall to create an gap to not allow sound transfer and insulate of course.This is a common problem with newer home building nowadays if the builder didn't block between units its almost impossible
Next time the noise is too loud for you... Go knock on their door, ask them to keep the noise at the same level or turn it back up to where it just was before you knocked... and have them come over and hear it for themselves... It may be they just don't realise how loud it is, etc...
I had a similar situation once with some jamaican dudes at my last house in toronto playing loud reggae till all hours of the night it drove me absolutely nuts so one saturday night after they had jammed all night long I waited till 8am after they all crashed out and got my home stereo with 5 foot tower speakers and 500 watts of power put it on the back patio facing their house and give them a dose of the ACDC's hells bells tune over and over for 3-4 hours straight needless to say they got the message and things calmed down after.Fight fire with fire

I used to do this in Uni except i play porn on full blast

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be careful about starting a by law war with your neighbour. before doing so you want to make sure that you are not breaking any by-laws yourself. I have seen a few posts about you doing service work, so you'll want to make sure that if you do call in a by law officer, you don't end up with a ticket for running a service shop out of your home. (Not sure that you do the work out of your house, but in case you do...something to think about)
be careful about starting a by law war with your neighbour. before doing so you want to make sure that you are not breaking any by-laws yourself. I have seen a few posts about you doing service work, so you'll want to make sure that if you do call in a by law officer, you don't end up with a ticket for running a service shop out of your home. (Not sure that you do the work out of your house, but in case you do...something to think about)

Bingo. :D
He better make sure he's the model citizen in the area.

A couple years after my bar opened, some new tenants moved in on both sides, in the heart of party land on Queen west.
They started complaining on the first night and they continued for a couple weeks, cops, bylaw people, you name it, i wasn't even making enough noise to get a ticket.
Having lost the battle, they decided to up the ante, and play their own loud music in an attempt to disturb the restaurant patrons.
Then they made a huge mistake and called the fire dept claiming something was burning over here.
The firemen rushed in and the only thing burning was a well done steak. They weren't impressed.
I suggested they inspect the adjacent apartments to ensure they had smoke alarms etc... for their own safety of course... :rolleyes:
2 days later, moving trucks arrive, and everyone gets kicked out because the units weren't legal.
Problem solved.
Trying to give the guy in the dorm room next door the impression that you're actually getting laid? Interesting plan...

I'm more concerned on the look on peoples faces
Reno’s are only temporary! Once completed the noise should stop.
In the meantime, hopefully your friendly reminders might work.
Move. Unfortunately it's the only sure fire way to rid yourself of a noisy neighbour.
I was banging away after 10pm building my soundproof suspended ceiling when I hear a door bell. The neighbour next door (also my co-worker and both houses are detached) tells me to quiet it down. Now I know why my entire neighbourhood is so quiet.

I've seen bylaw vans parked outside so small stuff like logs leaning against the house. Only thing you can really do to solve the problem after talking to them is to get police and bylaw officials involved.
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