Android Boxs - whose got 1?


I use exodus for movies and TV shows
Spectro (new Genesis) for Libraries, unfortunately Exodus has no libraries and I don't like going looking for the latest episodes, I like them to show up on my TVShows Menu on the main screen when they are ready for viewing
Digitele for sports with P2p - works for me, but it doesn't work anymore for some

That covers everything
You can use Trakt to setup collections that work the same as the library used to. Because Trakt is independent of Kodi, it won't matter what addon you use (salts, exodus, etc) it pulls from your Trakt account.
What is that? a build?

Builds tend to work for a bit and then they break kodi.

Edit: Just took a look, it looks annoyingly complicated as every other build... just my preference, I am sure it does a bunch of cool stuff, they all do
Install Kodi Schism v2 build. check youtube for that name. It is pure eye candy and functional.
It is already setup with a bunch of repos.

If you can watch a 5 video and follow 5 steps then you can set it up yourself
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You can use Trakt to setup collections that work the same as the library used to. Because Trakt is independent of Kodi, it won't matter what addon you use (salts, exodus, etc) it pulls from your Trakt account.
I do not like Trakt at all, maybe because I haven't spent the time to learn it but I will stick with libraries
What is that? a build?

Builds tend to work for a bit and then they break kodi.

I agree, go with KISS in this case - I've seen a lot of people spend a lot of time customizing the crap out of Kodi in various different fashions only to have it all go down in a ball of flames with an update.

Me, I stay pretty much vanilla short of a custom background. I don't even use Addon Installer anymore as I found it added some bloat. I like doing things the traditional way and keeping things simple - no extra bloat processes clogging up memory or processor cycles, etc etc.

For anyone looking, Both Factory Direct as well as Canada Computers (a better choice) sell the HiMedia Q3 - I own several of them and have found them to be excellent little units at a very competitive price for a quad core box, I stream just about anything HD I can find with zero lag or jitter, and they're very snappy. The case is a nice solid chunk of aluminum for heat dissipation, and the remote is very solid and of good quality - no keyboard on it, but one of the best remotes I saw compared to the plastic bendy junk that comes with many other droid boxes. They are highly regarded units and only $120.
Not worried about Trakt and privacy issues?
Set profile to private. Only allow your authorized apps access to your list.
I do not like Trakt at all, maybe because I haven't spent the time to learn it but I will stick with libraries
You can integrate Trakt with SALTS, then have a link to the main screen, will scrobble your shows just like genesis did with the library.

You can do a similar thing with exodus as well.

The library integration as we knew it, will be no more as they don't want to make it addon dependent.
Is there any addons for local content?
Somebody mentioned Kodi. I have Kodi on an android tablet and on linux. I use the primewire/1channel plugin to stream my shows on demand, I use it pretty much every day, so I guess it isn't too bad. A bit more convenient than going to the primewire/1channel website with my browser. There are several plugins that enable live network streams; however, I didn't find a lot of Canadian content...CBC Newsworld, CP24, Global, CHCH, CNN, Sky Films... but not generally the stuff I was looking for. It works, but I imagine that a lot users would get frustrated with it and give up. It is pretty big, and not as user-friendly as I would like it to be, so I spent quite a bit of time climbing the learning curve before I was able to feel comfortable and confident with it.

I know someone who uses a Roku box to stream Netflix, and it seems fairly convenient and reliable
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primewire/1channel is my go to when the one I use regularly doesn't have a good link for a movie or tv show.
I don't think Canada on Demand works anymore. Also I've been getting a problem with alot of addons lately. Does Genesis still work?
I've been seriously looking at an Android box for a little while now. We dropped cable 2 years ago, nothing but dvd's for a long time, got Netflix last December. The two things holding me back are I'm not tech savvy at all, the wife is a lot better but no guru, and I don't really care about tv. But the kids have been starting to bug for it, so I'm gonna have to cave. I would actually enjoy having more access to supercross, wsbk, etc.

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The kids? Really? As long as mine have YouTube and video games they dgaf

I know that some posts are saying that it is all easy to set up, but I'm with you, @Iceman. Reading these posts I'm finding it all very confusing. Some of the guys at work have the Android boxes, but I keep hearing them complain that they can't find a show, or movie or that it's crap quality.
Question-- how legit are these boxes? And the streaming? Are there any possible legal implications?

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I don't think Canada on Demand works anymore. Also I've been getting a problem with alot of addons lately. Does Genesis still work?

Check your repositories. If you didn't install them from their original sources, the addons could be missing updates.
Subscribed! - OP your usage sounds a LOT like ours, too. Netflix almost all the time, some use of Plex when we have downloaded stuff to watch, and very little cable TV use.

One thing I really want to keep is CP24.

We're paying Rogers ~$120 for phone, cable and internet service - this might go down to $80-100 if we cancel Rogers and go with Teksaavy and Vonage (as examples), so we'll save $240/year which will be about what the android box will end up costing us, plus I'll have to buy a modem for Teksaavy, so, iono.

I'm not too keen on spending too much time setting up 'the box', either, is it hard? A buddy of mine has an Amazon-branded one that is plug-and-play... it doesn't even have an "on" button lol

went through the opposite problem. Cut teksaavy as i couldnt get cable tv and my bill was going through the roof with exceeded internet charges (netflix)
Cut cord months ago after seeing what a couple of Nexus players could do. Phoenix and iStream are my go to repositories. Phoenix also has the hard to get live stuff too and is updated a bit more. Watched the oscars on it live a while back. UK Turk used to be pretty good for my Brit fix too. I still need to set up the Vpn to get bbc I player working properly. There's an issue with installing my Vpn client on the nexus player still.
I you're looking for something easier on the wallet, Raspberry PI can run the openelec version of Kodi.
The kids? Really? As long as mine have YouTube and video games they dgaf

I know that some posts are saying that it is all easy to set up, but I'm with you, @Iceman. Reading these posts I'm finding it all very confusing. Some of the guys at work have the Android boxes, but I keep hearing them complain that they can't find a show, or movie or that it's crap quality.
Question-- how legit are these boxes? And the streaming? Are there any possible legal implications?

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People that complaint are lazy or can not change the time in their microwave. Downloading is illegal, streaming is not these boxes stream.
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