Subscribed! - OP your usage sounds a LOT like ours, too. Netflix almost all the time, some use of Plex when we have downloaded stuff to watch, and very little cable TV use.
One thing I really want to keep is CP24.
We're paying Rogers ~$120 for phone, cable and internet service - this might go down to $80-100 if we cancel Rogers and go with Teksaavy and Vonage (as examples), so we'll save $240/year which will be about what the android box will end up costing us, plus I'll have to buy a modem for Teksaavy, so, iono.
I'm not too keen on spending too much time setting up 'the box', either, is it hard? A buddy of mine has an Amazon-branded one that is plug-and-play... it doesn't even have an "on" button lol