And then there were two… |

And then there were two…


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The guys days of evading arrest are governed by the size of his circle. All it will take is someone that knows him or of him to get some legal entanglement and poof.
Not defending his actions but the cop could have jumped out in front of him with no room to avoid and he could have panicked and the flight instinct kicked in.
It would be a tough one to turn yourself in for this it will be life-altering to say the least.
Do rotten trees make rotten apples? Maybe.
Do people choose to be ******? Definitely.

Rotten trees bear no apples. Rotten parents create a nuisance that keeps on giving through the ages…

Kinda missed the point of riling-up those who choose to be ************. They aren't usually bright enough to figure it out.
Thank you.

Let's not give grown-azz adults any more reasons not to hold themselves accountable and force them to take responsibility for their own actions.
How do you force them?

I recently became aware of a situation where four kids got dumped onto an older distantly related couple because mom was in cuffs and dad was in jail. Closer relatives didn't qualify because they were all alcoholics and living in vermin infected dives.

Whatever child service organization got involved, they dropped the ball in that, while the very responsible couple got the kids, they didn't get any guardianship papers. They couldn't legally take a kid to a doctor.

The kids probably got proper parenting for the first time in their lives but have since moved on. One kid may have already turned down the wrong street so another generation of trouble in the works.

Any bets on whether the kids have fetal alcohol of drugs issues?


I don’t blame them anymore. These guys, I blame the parents. They gotta have a rotten, drunk, fleabag of a mother who didn’t teach them the basics of how not to be a human garbage fire. Only possible reason for it…
How about a well to do dad that gives the kid a 4,000 square foot home to live in, his own spacious bedroom and media centre, fat allowance, big birthday presents, etc all to compensate for dad's focus on making it in the world. Mom compensates by love bombing the kid, her perfect angel.

We have to teach kids to look up to the police and our business and elected leaders. Oops. Scrap that. We're screwed.
How do you force them?

In the context of this thread, in a legal setting, don't give adult offenders the excuse of a poor upbringing to shirk responsibility for their actions. Prosecute them to the full extent of the law.

However, as others have pointed out, in this case, I'd like to see bodycam footage of the incident. If the cop stepped out in front of the motorcycle without giving the rider time to react, then the cop is at fault. Everyone's forming an opinion based on the police's account of the incident. Rider still should have stopped though.
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However, as others have pointed out, in this case, I'd like to see bodycam footage of the incident. If the cop stepped out in front of the motorcycle without giving the rider time to react, then the cop is at fault. Everyone's forming an opinion based on the police's account of the incident. Rider still should have stopped though.

I found it "convenient" that the body cam footage was cropped just after the officer was hit. Why wouldn't they include the entire footage if there was nothing to hide? It would need to be provided to the defense as disclosure anyways.
I found it "convenient" that the body cam footage was cropped just after the officer was hit. Why wouldn't they include the entire footage if there was nothing to hide? It would need to be provided to the defense as disclosure anyways.
Probably because it makes the cops look incompetent. They like to shake their fists and cry that they've been violated but shun any flashlight on their piss-poor procedures and training.
I dunno what to say.

It seems like every time there’s an incident like this, people jump to the police being at fault for “getting in the way.”

Did something about the Highway Traffic Act and Criminal Code change? Did it become an optional matter of choice to pay attention to law enforcement - or any of the paramilitary organizations we depend on for that matter (fire, ems, etc.). Is “direction” now freely interpreted “suggestion?”

It’s a bit disturbing that people are attributing blame to the wrong actors because “we’re bikers so we defend bikers,” and discount the work of our law enforcement, regardless of what complaints we might individually have about those parties.
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I dunno what to say.

It seems like every time there’s an incident like this, people jump to the police being at fault for “getting in the way.”

Did something about the Highway Traffic Act and Criminal Code change? Did it become an optional matter of choice to pay attention to law enforcement - or any of the paramilitary organizations we depend on for that matter (fire, ems, etc.). Does “direction” now count as suggestion?

It’s a bit disturbing that people are attributing blame to the wrong actors because “we’re bikers so we defend bikers,” and discount the work of our law enforcement, regardless of what complaints we might individually have about those parties.
After seeing countless videos of cowboys jumping in the way when there was no possibility of avoiding a collision, yes, I blame them much of the time. They literally caused the crash and then lay criminal charges because they got hit and are butthurt. If the rider was clearly at fault, they would have released the whole video. Jumping into moving traffic that has the right of way is not smart.
It’s a bit disturbing that people are attributing blame to the wrong actors because “we’re bikers so we defend bikers,” and discount the work of our law enforcement, regardless of what complaints we might individually have about those parties.

It's not attributing blame. It's withholding judgment until all the facts are out. Right now we only have the word of the police, and there have been many, many documented instances of them flat-out lying to make charges stick.

Wearing a badge doesn't automatically make you a "right actor".
TPS are not known to fabricate stories, and the media is our safety stop as they always check facts.

So I’m going with the cops on this one.
After seeing countless videos of cowboys jumping in the way when there was no possibility of avoiding a collision, yes, I blame them much of the time. They literally caused the crash and then lay criminal charges because they got hit and are butthurt. If the rider was clearly at fault, they would have released the whole video. Jumping into moving traffic that has the right of way is not smart.

Moving traffic that is supposed to be “stopping” traffic, and one gives up any right of way claim when one has already contravened traffic rules to the point where they are being pulled over…
Moving traffic that is supposed to be “stopping” traffic, and one gives up any right of way claim when one has already contravened traffic rules to the point where they are being pulled over…

The Zameer trial pretty much proved what everyone suspected - that cops will defend each other with lies whenever possible. There's a BIG difference between a cop who signals you to pull over and instead you turn into him and run him over vs a cop who jumps in front of your moving vehicle when you have no ability to stop, and now you are suddenly an attempted murder suspect by the time their report is written.
It’s the popcorn pile on. Grab all the contradictory YouTube’s you can find and let the sea lions begin roaring 🏆

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