I already answered all those questions... you are losing your capacity for logic. Go to bed. You are emotionally attached to this.
There's a double standard because western politicians/voters are dipshits and they are good at chasing one offs to score political points in the name of helping the children.
On the contrary. I would argue that "freedom of speech" is not a universal human right, nor is it a wide open cart blanche to say whatever one likes. A blanket application of the notion is niave and constantly harping on an individual's right to offend in the case of this film underlies something much deeper. Again I don't advocate the violent reactions, but brushing off the offence as acceptable is adding to the insult. Claiming that the one off chasing down of insults for poltical points is also naive. Go into work tomorrow and openly slander in an anti-semetic fashion and see how long you last. See if you get fired for one off brownie points.
PS, Ahmedinijad's "wipe off the map" mistranslation is often touted as a reason to GO TO WAR with Iran. Neither did he say that, nor did he say Iran will be the one to do it. Additionally "holocaust denial" is another reason to kill Iranians and go to war. Oh and WMD lies...
you see where I am going, lies, slander, misleading statements are not just insults...they are precursors to action. That's why threats are not tolerated, nor is incitement to violence or hatred. "Freedom of speech" has limits.
From the perspective of many in the Muslim world, the US will utilize lies and slander when it is to their advantage. The reaction is a response to much larger factors, one of which being ANOTHER immanent war and the war drum currently being beaten.
A lot of lies were spread about Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan prior to their wars, along with Sudan, Somalia, etc.
Can you not see that from their perspective, they have Western / US soldiers in countless Muslim countries and currently waging war and preparing for another war? Can you not see that inflamatory issues like the burning of Qurans a couple months ago and pissing on dead Taliban add up?
All one offs I am sure. Can you not see that the other side may not see this as a trend with much more than word slinging at stake?
Did you see that other thread on this forum boasting of vidoes shooting at "Hajis"?
PS a "haji" is a term used for a Muslim who has performed 1 of the pillars of thier faith and gone on a pilgramage to haj in Mecca. I suppose the term Haji is just a minor derogatory insult....soldiers shooting at devout Muslims and watching vidoes of that is just good fun right?
You don't see the connection between insults and actions?