If you EVER set foot in an Amazon warehouse or worked there for a day you'd understand why this is such an incredibly ridiculous position to take.
Amazon treats their employees like numbers in every sense of the word. You are a number. Not a person. Your numbers must achieve their productivity numbers, those numbers of which are often insanely unrealistic and don't even allow you to do things like go take a piss without being penalized for idle or unproductive time.
You have no idea. If ANY workplace needs unions, it's shitholes like Amazon.
Heck, even us drivers are treated like animals when we are there. Last week I delivered to one of their warehouses - the person you talk to at the "security kiosk" isn't even in Canada (they had no idea what "Quebec" meant when they asked for my license plate, I **** you not she asked me in a thick southern accent "is that a State?") then you get jammed into a tiny cage (literally) at the man door while they decide to let you in or not (which the computer is the arbiter of), and then the amployees are like automatons, needing to follow "procedures" about how to perform their job, which they need to dictate to us guys about how to perform tasks like opening a door. It's laughable.
Its no wonder their employees feel like they need a union.
I'm constantly amazed by the number of people you can find online that trash unions in one breath, and then you read some of their other threads (ie: Reddit) you find them weeks earlier or weeks later crying or moaning about their pay being ******, they have no benefits so they can't afford medications (or even a doctors visit, USA), they can't get time off, and that their jobs just generally suck ass.
But apparently a lot of people also love stepping on their own ***** to make sure their bosses get another Porche at the end of the year, and that the corporate CEO's can get a second yacht.