Alternative way to strip paint

I disagree. If you have a part that you can completely immerse in the fluid, then it's 'set it and forget it'. I did my cylinders last summer and no scrubbing was needed. They came out perfectly stripped after 45 mins in the bath.

+1 I bought aircraft stripper from an aircraft refurbishing place and it would not touch the clear plastic coating on aluminum side cases and covers.
the best strip on the market is made by katalic coatings
it has the highest amount of methylene chloride which is the active ingredient in stripper, it is a gel and needs to ne washed down with lacquer thinner after to neutralize it.
I strip and refinish furniture for a living and have used It on metal projects with great results
Bought some $14 stripper from Home depot. Works pretty well. Still needs one more application. I brushed it on, let it sit for 8-10 minutes, then brushed it off with a brass brush

I also got that $10 Canadian tire rattle can stripper. It works pretty well, but just not as well as the gel stuff

Yup the Cdn Tire stuff is not as good and not as strong as the Gel stuff, and Walmart has the Circa paint stripper for 10 bucks, it's what I used and it ate away at everything on my rims, gas tank as well, I was impressed by it.....

Definitely going to pick up a can tonight. I have a problem where when I wipe the residue off, a bit of paint will smear onto the rims. I'm thinking maybe I should just paint on the gel striper then pressure wash it off
Just in the process of stripping my tank with it.

Used it to clean off my head too.

It also strips off old bondo quite well. Had some on my tank. Just had to let it sit for a while and work.
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