Unless it says safe for aluminum on the can I would be weary about using it on engine parts made of it!
Well I bought some paint stripper in a spray can from Canadian Tire that specifically said "Not safe for use on Aluminum" - not sure why they would specify that as I'm not a chemist but I didn't want to find out.
GK - check your local Benjamin Moore dealer for CIRCA 1850 paint stripper. I used this on the top half of my engine case and removed paint without any issues to the Aluminum.
Ive used that one before, it is available at regular hardware stores like Canadian Tire and Home Depot....It does not work on everything however, and being a regular paint and varnish stripper and not an aircraft stripper, even if it does work it takes longer and more elbow grease....
I really suggest a true aircraft stripper, it will eat everything and it will do it fast and easy
When I used aircraft stripper on my powder coating hanger hooks, I literally just pull them out of the stripper and the powder coat layers that were built up on it just slide off...I dont have to scrub or anything it just falls right off after 5-10 minutes of stripper
The NAPA location in my area does not carry that, actually they didn't have any paint stripper, I even asked the rude aZZ hat behind the counter, his answer was "nope" and then started yapping on the phone, so I told him his is a rude prick and I walked out,,,,,I had another question and wanted some other items, guess they don't care, so they lost a sale...
no biggie...
what doesnt just "fall" right off after 10 min inside a stripper ........
Stripper section from an aircraft supplier:
Its pricier but everything Ive bought from these guys is top shelf stuff.
GK - check your local Benjamin Moore dealer for CIRCA 1850 paint stripper. I used this on the top half of my engine case and removed paint without any issues to the Aluminum.