Ok, to everybody complaining about Quebecer not speaking to you in English you have to learn a few thing here, about travelling:
1- Can you speak their language? No, so you CAN'T complain then if they can't speak your language!
2- It's an insult to go to somebody and not to talk a few of THEIR word.
3- Learn a few word of the country/state where you are.
Stop having your ****ing english (Canada and USA) mentality of "I'm English, everybody else in the world SHALL speak English". Yes it's the international language, but it doesn't mean all the 7 billion people around the world will respect you....specially if you can't talk to them in their mother tongue. Just this is enough to make them happy: "Hi, I can't speak *whatever language* do you speak *whatever language*
I can totally speak in English (with a bad accent and the same way I write lol)...but if somebody come by me, and start to speak in THEIR native language first, I'll tell them to go **** them self and I will leave the place.
BTW to those complainer, if somebody come here and start to talk french to you, what are you going to do? Probably laugh at them and leave.....
Now back to the original post. Canada is bilingual, which mean all the services offered by the Federal HAS to be bilingual, English AND French. when I used Swiss Air to go to Spain they spoke 4 languages on the plane! Montréal to Zurich they spoke English, French, German. Then from Zurich to Spain they spoke Spanish, French, English, German. When I took the plane Madrid to Roma and Madrid to Geneva, they where always speaking 3 languages minimum. Why Air Canada can't respect our two official language? We are not like switzerland which has 4 official language, we only have 2!