Advice needed – Involved in a collision

This is great fakking news.

Happy for you :)
primarily because he made a right turn from the left lane.

Good stuff - I figured the above was the kiss of death for his claims of you being 100% at fault. Buy a lotto max ticket - maybe today is your lucky day.

Great news. As I didn't hear back from the BMW driver last night, I called and filed a claim this morning.

The claims agent pulled up his CRC Report and it aligned with mine, I've been found not at fault – primarily because he made a right turn from the left lane. Turns out the car was not his, which was likely part of what fuelled his attempt to bully me to take the blame.

Next step is to get the bike into a shop to have photos taken and provide my insurance with a damage estimate. I'm thinking Suzuki of Newmarket.

As I'm a bit sore (as of yesterday), they've opened a claim for injuries just to follow up with me after I see my doctor on Monday. I'm sure I'll be fine.

Thanks everyone for the input.

as I said in post# 36

Sounds like you are in the clear, and you have nothing to worry about is the bimmer guy is at fault, plain and simple

once I reread your posts and your additional info, I just had a feeling you were not going to be found at fault at all....

Glad to hear it was in your favor......

sometimes the good guys do win....
Great outcome of an unfortunate situation.

Fix the bike, but a lotto ticket, get a dash cam and stick it on your bike.
Good news indeed. Bet that beemer guy is gonna be ******, be sure to get your tiny violin ready to go. ;)
Good news indeed. Bet that beemer guy is gonna be ******, be sure to get your tiny violin ready to go. ;)
Meh, he wont need to deal with him, and technically its not the beemer guy as it wasnt even his beemer ;p
Thanks everyone. Smartest thing I did in this situation was post this thread a few hours after the accident - the amount of insight from the responses was invaluable. The injury claims rep contacted me a couple hours ago and reminded me to send through the claims for my gear as well (the new Shoei I'd gotten over the winter is a throw away since it smashed against the ground after the initial impact. I've been given the go ahead for physio sessions as well which they suggested I seek out ASAP.

Great news. From all the threads, SON might not be the best bet.

I've heard the service department is not good as well, but I'm hoping for the purposes of providing a damage estimate, they'll suffice - since it should only be cosmetic. Open to other suggestions. It's funny, I provided the claims rep with my current mileage at 80,000km - It's a 2004 GSXR 1000 that was pretty much mint. I'm realizing the damage estimate will likely exceed the value of the bike (scratched fairings on both sides, front cowl as the left portion was scratched when the signal was torn out, and scratched exhaust), so it will be interesting to see how it works out. Whatever I get I'll be happy with (considering my previous understanding of not having collision coverage was that in the event of an accident, the bike would not be fixed unless I paid out of pocket myself). Couldn't have asked for a better outcome.
.......... Whatever I get I'll be happy with (considering my previous understanding of not having collision coverage was that in the event of an accident, the bike would not be fixed unless I paid out of pocket myself). Couldn't have asked for a better outcome.

only if your not found at fault, then the one who is at fault their insurance foots the bill, just like with me, I have only liability, I was not found at fault, but all damages were covered

you lucked out and glad it went in your favour, I was given a cheque to cover the damages and to get bike fixed, if you get the same you can do with that money as you see fit, spend as little or as much on what ever you want, I paid for my parts, but did the labour on my own, so I paid myself.....with what was left over.

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Sounds like it worked out well in the end for you Krime. Trust me in the coming days you will begin to feel the full effects of any injuries. No matter how small and trivial they may seem now make sure you document them ALL , and if something begins to hurt say mid week next week get to your family Dr ASAP and have it documented. I have no idea what the repercussions of the injuries I sustained in my crash of a 3 weeks ago but I do know that almost 18 months after my other crash I had things start to go awry with a finger. My lawyer said that is not at all uncommon and the main reason they don't file injury lawsuits until close to the 2 year limitation.

Interestingly, I learned from my current insurer, (allstate) that gear is covered under your AB, (Accident Benefits), claim as opposed to the PD, (Property Damage), claim mas your wearing it, it isn't considered "property" Just make sure you keep the gear as the insurer may ask for it, Once they pay you for it it is technically their property
You were back in the middle lane by the time the collision occurred, yes? I'd absolutely fight for 0% fault in that case. Doesn't matter how you got there, you were going straight and had the right of way in that lane.
When you are not at fault, you are covered even if you only have liability. Chances are the bike will be a write off. Best case is they give you a check and the bike.
When you are not at fault, you are covered even if you only have liability. Chances are the bike will be a write off. Best case is they give you a check and the bike.

I opted to take the bike to Snow City instead. The staff there are great. Just got back and was quoted with labour $5400. Individual parts pricing looked as expected for the most part, except for the stock exhaust which alone is over $1000!

When I forward it on to my adjuster, It's probably a good idea to mention that I intend on keeping the bike. I definitely don't want them to write the bike off so that the title is branded, otherwise I won't be able to get it on the street again.
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I opted to take the bike to Snow City instead. The staff there are great. Just got back and was quoted with labour $5400. Individual parts pricing looked as expected for the most part, except for the stock exhaust which alone is over $1000!

When I forward it on to my adjuster, It's probably a good idea to mention that I intend on keeping the bike. I definitely don't want them to write the bike off so that the title is branded, otherwise I won't be able to get it on the street again.

It will depend upon the book value of the bike as well as comparable bikes. Ask a dealer for the "black book value" also go on as many websites as you can find and look for bikes with comparable km's as well as the same make and year etc of your bike. Your adjuster will have a figure given to him by a company "appraiser" So it isn't actually the adjuster that sets what they are willing to settle for. If the value of the parts exceed the value of the bike then you will have two options...

1. They write the bike off and cut you a cheque.
2. They offer a "settlement amount", (basically they tell you what they are willing to give you towards the repairs of the bike).

Of course their initial offers will be low balled, you can, (and definitely should), negotiate, and if the figure is still too low you can take it to a form of "mediation" who will try to help both sides reach an amount. If you choose option 2 then you get the cheque, and if it is less than the cost of repairs then you kick in the difference and get the bike fixed.

I am currently in the state where dealership that my bike was towed to after the accident has forwarded the estimate to adjuster, he says, he is waiting for the appraiser.
Thanks everyone. Smartest thing I did in this situation was post this thread a few hours after the accident - the amount of insight from the responses was invaluable. The injury claims rep contacted me a couple hours ago and reminded me to send through the claims for my gear as well (the new Shoei I'd gotten over the winter is a throw away since it smashed against the ground after the initial impact. I've been given the go ahead for physio sessions as well which they suggested I seek out ASAP.

I've heard the service department is not good as well, but I'm hoping for the purposes of providing a damage estimate, they'll suffice - since it should only be cosmetic. Open to other suggestions. It's funny, I provided the claims rep with my current mileage at 80,000km - It's a 2004 GSXR 1000 that was pretty much mint. I'm realizing the damage estimate will likely exceed the value of the bike (scratched fairings on both sides, front cowl as the left portion was scratched when the signal was torn out, and scratched exhaust), so it will be interesting to see how it works out. Whatever I get I'll be happy with (considering my previous understanding of not having collision coverage was that in the event of an accident, the bike would not be fixed unless I paid out of pocket myself). Couldn't have asked for a better outcome.

I went through this nightmare scenario with my insurance after my bike was knocked over on the street by a soccer mom hammering her SUV in reverse.

Primmum said the cost to repair the bike (mostly cosmetic damage but the clutch lever, cable and hydraulic reservoir were damaged as was the shifter) was more than the value of the bike (as determined by their appraiser) and so they wanted to write it off, take the bike and cut me a cheque.

I insisted on keeping the bike and so they cut me a check for the value of the bike minus what they considered it worth for salvage (about $1200, iirc). The bike wasn't branded since the damage was primarily cosmetic.

The problem came in determining the value of the bike. There is not "book value" for used bikes in Canada, unlike for cars. So they low-balled me at $5000. I countered with ads from Kijiji and AutoTrader/BikeTrader listing the bike for $7500. And then we had a stalemate for a few months where I was bounced around different departments and adjusters until I came to one who was outright rude and my calls stopped being returned. I had to get the insurance ombudsperson involved who resolved the stalemate in less than 48 hours but then Primmum demanded that I have the bike completely repaired and safety completed within 2 weeks or they would cancel my insurance (which would go on my insurance record and jack my premiums when applying for replacement insurance).

In the end, I was able to get a 4 week extension (I argued I had to wait for parts after they were ordered) and had the real mechanic work done by Daniel at Heritage Auto, and did the rest of the cosmetic replacement work (just bolting on parts) myself with the help of a friend. I had hoped for a little cash to be left over, but when it was all done, it was pretty much all used up.

The whole process took about 5 months of headaches and phone calls.
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@BusaBob so they jerk your chain for months, and then demand that you get the work done in 2 weeks?? And they threatened to cancel you?? What if you wanted to do the work yourself, at your own pace? WHAT A BUNCH OF ARSEHOLES!! Complete and utter bull $#!+ So sad how they can screw the common man. Smh. Mental note -- never insure with Primmum.

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
Yeah, that's exactly how it happened
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