Advanced Riding Course with Turn 2

If you want to learn the limits of your machine, take your bike.

If you want to learn the limits of a 600 SS, rent theirs.

If you want to learn the limits of yourself, take Racer5.

That's my opinion. You could spend the same money, get 4 days of riding on a CBR125, and get race experience. Usually, the limit isn't the bike, it's the rider. The skills you learn on a 125 translate easily to a larger, more track-oriented machine. Not trying to detract from Turn2, I'm sure they are excellent. But I felt Racer5 was a better use of my time and money, for what I wanted. Next season, I will likely buy a track bike (600 SS).

In one day the OP isn't going to learn the limits of anything you listed. It's even debatable if he'd learn the limits of a 125 in 4 days.
The bike is never the limit when learning / riding track. In all situations you listed the person would be learning their limits but on different tools.

In one day the OP isn't going to learn the limits of anything you listed. It's even debatable if he'd learn the limits of a 125 in 4 days.

I agree with you guys. I guess I didn't make my point clearly! What I was trying to say that it's easier/faster to learn on a smaller bike first. Also cheaper. It will definitely be different than a 600 ss. And agreed, you likely won't be at the limits of a 125 in 4 days.
I agree with you guys. I guess I didn't make my point clearly! What I was trying to say that it's easier/faster to learn on a smaller bike first. Also cheaper. It will definitely be different than a 600 ss. And agreed, you likely won't be at the limits of a 125 in 4 days.

Not exactly sure what you mean. What would make me learn more quickly using a 125 or 250 vs a 600 cc bike?
2 yrs on the saddle of your own ride that over a rental, you'll be on a bike you're already comfortable with. if you crash a rental, it isnt gonna be cheap either.

Regardless of whether you ride a 125, 250, or a WILL learn something by the end of the day, but you likely won't know how to make sense of it. Frankly, I'd rather have fun learning at the same time.
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Do the rental so you can be relaxed durring the course and worry about learning then whether or not your going to drop your bike or not.

I did the Racer 5 Intro Course and used the CBR125 and it was awesome.

Good luck:) Get ready to hooked to track!!!
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since the turn2 phone lines are closed what time does the track school sessions start and finish? couldn't find it on their site
Depending on how confident of a rider you are, I'd bring my own bike.

The arc 1 is pretty tame. Only you control how fast or how crazy you go. Most of it is following the instructor. And they don't usually do crazy leading, unless you "push" them too.

Sure theres a risk of binning it, but its quite low.

The beauty of your own bike, as some have mentioned, is that you are already familiar with it. And when you are done the class, you can take the lessons you learned and keep honing them on your own bike. When I did the ARC1, I had a rental bike because it was part of the "gift" package that I was given. However, I was really wishing I was on my own bike when I took the course.

Diffrnt strokes for diffrnt folks! Just wanted to share another perspective.
Price up new stock left side fairings from Honda. Oh, and a new clip on, a new clutch lever, a new mirror, possible headlight, engine casing, tail section, rearset and see if you can buy the lot for less than $1365. If you can then away you go to the track with your own bikeand lowside with confidence.

ARC1 is 'tame' compared with ARC2 or 3 but you're still moving fast enough to do a world of hurt to a street bike. And there's always the chance that someone else hits you or forces you off the track, whatever level you're riding.

Some poor guy rode his gixxer to Calabogie over the weekend. His first lap out, in green group, he overcooked it into Temptation and wrote his bike off. They had to use a front end loader to recover his bike. I wasn't there, but I've seen a rather graphic picture my mate took. Way more than $1365 worth of damage. You could probably add a '0' to it.
Some poor guy rode his gixxer to Calabogie over the weekend. His first lap out, in green group, he overcooked it into Temptation and wrote his bike off. They had to use a front end loader to recover his bike. I wasn't there, but I've seen a rather graphic picture my mate took. Way more than $1365 worth of damage. You could probably add a '0' to it.

Cracked in half, I believe.
I don't think it was anybody's first lap out. The red came out while I was waiting to go on track so it happened at the end of session.

Correct. It happened in the afternoon on the Saturday. We were all waiting at the end of the paddock to go out. Therefore, it was the end of session for the reds.


E.Honda, did you end up going out and doing the ARC1?
Thinking of attending as well, sent you a pm :D

Btw can one set up camp the night before?

Yes. I am travelling up tonight to ride tomorrow & Saturday. The gates close around 11pm though (sometimes sooner) so bear that in mind.
Thanks for the reply! Sending you a pm hope you dont mind... have a few Q's maybe we can convoy up there together :).
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