A World In Debt

[h=3]Economists continually try and sell the public the idea that recessions or depressions are a natural part of what they call the "business cycle".[/h] [h=3]This timeline below will prove that is simply not the case. Recessions and depressions only occur because the Central Bankers manipulate the money supply, to ensure more and more is in their hands and less and less is in the hands of the people.[/h] [h=3]Central Bankers developed out of money changers and it is with these people we pick the story up in 48 B.C. below.[/h]
The history of the money changers
Banksters are affraid of that movement in Iceland, hence no media coverage.
Nice Vlad!!

I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of imagination, but I've seen and felt media monopoly at work and have to tell you it's very efficient and ultimately deadly. Even with the Internet widely available for most people what wasn't on TV just didn't happen :(.
When money is saved it isnt spend. How are business's supposed to grow or even sustain themselves?
They need to lay people off....now unemployment is rising......people are spending even less.

I seriously challenge you to provide an example how an economy can grow through saving.

Equilibrium. Spend what you have after you save 10%. Borrowed money and cheap credit distort economies. Boom bust cycles occur. unemployment is rising because artificial economy is returning to real affordable economy.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of imagination, but I've seen and felt media monopoly at work and have to tell you it's very efficient and ultimately deadly. Even with the Internet widely available for most people what wasn't on TV just didn't happen :(.

As soon as the reigning government mentioned a referendum on the payment of debt to the banksters, Greek leaders agreed that former European Central Bank (ECB) Vice-President Lucas Papademos will head a coalition government and deal with keeping the aid coming, and the harsh austerity measures that come with them. Could just be a coincidence.
You know that TED talk you weren't supposed to see?

Here it is:

Nick Hanauer: Job creators.
Secret Central Bank Aid Props Up Greek Banks
Published: Monday, 21 May 2012 | 11:18 PM ET
By: Ralph Atkins in Frankfurt

There has been no official announcement. No terms or conditions
have been disclosed. But Greece’s banking system is being propped up by
an estimated €100 billion or so of emergency liquidity provided by the
country’s central bank — approved secretly by the European Central Bank
in Frankfurt. If Greece were to leave the eurozone, the immediate cause
might be an ECB decision to pull the plug.

Extensive use of
“emergency liquidity assistance” (ELA) to help banks in the weakest
economies has been one of the less-noticed features of the eurozone
crisis. Separate from normal supplies of liquidity and meant originally
as a temporary facility for national authorities to use when banks hit
problems, ELA proved a lifesaver for the financial system Ireland and is
now even more so in Greece. As such, it has given the ECB — which has
ultimate control over the facility — considerable power to determine
countries’ fates.

More management of prospective economics (MOPE). QE under cover not to alert the sheople.
You know that TED talk you weren't supposed to see?

Here it is:

Nick Hanauer: Job creators.

hanauer is not saying anything new.

the middle class has always been the engine of our economy.

in canada, that means ontario's manufacturing sector, which has been eviscerated under harper's watch.

the shrinking of the middle class is going to be very hard to reverse. income in-equality has been actually worse in canada than the u.s. for awhile.

harper has been selling out to the oil interests and it will cost all of canada. we need massive re-investment in the manufacturing sector to ensure canada's economic future, not a continued dependency on oil prices.
hanauer is not saying anything new.

Of course not. However, it's appalling how rarely this simple logic is heard and how often the blatant stupidity of "trickle down economics" is still preached. If TED refused to publish this talk until they were pressured, what to expect of mainstream media?

The other side of the same coin, mentioned even more rarely, is the fact that we have turned from a society of producers to a society of consumers in just a few decades. Those manufacturing jobs are not coming back and depending on "financial industry" and dirty oil for future survival of the economy is just plain stupid.

IMO, the key is to abandon the fetishism of growth equals prosperity and learn to live sustainably. But, that's for another discussion altogether.
Of course not. However, it's appalling how rarely this simple logic is heard and how often the blatant stupidity of "trickle down economics" is still preached. If TED refused to publish this talk until they were pressured, what to expect of mainstream media?

The other side of the same coin, mentioned even more rarely, is the fact that we have turned from a society of producers to a society of consumers in just a few decades. Those manufacturing jobs are not coming back and depending on "financial industry" and dirty oil for future survival of the economy is just plain stupid.

IMO, the key is to abandon the fetishism of growth equals prosperity and learn to live sustainably. But, that's for another discussion altogether.

i have family and quite a few friends who are american. most are middle class. only the ones who lost their jobs in the last economic downturn have come to the realization that forcefeeding the wealthy a diet of unsustainable tax breaks combined with a ruinous imbalance that disadvantages all but the top 1% has meant disaster in their daily lives.

the other half still hold onto the belief that reaganomics/voodoo economics works because they too will strike it rich some day and they don't want to be overtaxed when they get there. amazingly naive, but despite everything i tell them, they still believe it. they would rather die working two or three service sector jobs than admit that the current system has failed them.

we are quickly approaching this reality in canada as well. take away our health care and education systems, and we are there.

being a 'society of consumers' is a logical consequence of moving away from manufacturing and into a service sector economy. . .our former middle class will be tomorrow's working poor.
... forcefeeding the wealthy a diet of unsustainable tax breaks combined with a ruinous imbalance that disadvantages all but the top 1% has meant disaster in their daily lives.

Don't forget a few disastrous wars...
It appears that a financial derivatives bomb has been triggered by none other than JPM. Obama's most respected bank. Interest Rate Swap derivatives are at the nucleolus of the coming collapse. JPM has $100bln of high risk assets. This failure is growing day by day. The Mark to Market value is zilch. No buyers for this garbage, but fear not, we've been told that derivatives are a zero sum due to the off sets. Sort of like 2 people drowning in a lake and they help each other out.

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