Correct, my mistake, the coins are $50. I haven't looked at them since 1984. I've read a few forums where people tried taking more that a few coins and they end up getting the third degree by customs. Some agents don't know what to do or how to value it etc. Too much risk of hassle for me being detained for a period of time, even if they do jack.
There is fear all over Europe and rightfully so. Gov. controls the value of their currency but cannot control the value of gold currency. Gold is a currency without borders. That's why all the brain washing campaign for 30 yrs. Gov. likes to control and a bank run puts them out of control. Curious what people will be doing with all their fiat paper?
They'll buy USD which is just the nicest house in a bad neighborhood. Bet they won't deposit it in the bank? Capital will be sloshing around looking for a safe heaven. Should get interesting next week.
Fears of Bank Runs Mount in Southern Europe[/h]