A Secret Prostitute...

What would you do?

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I feel bad for you dude... All I can say is that I'm not surprised. I say steal her money and move on. Two wrongs don't make right, but unless if you wanna get into heaven you shouldn't care.

On the bright side, if you have kids you'll totally win the custody battle because of her profession.

Whatever you do, don't feel sorry for her even when she cries. Someone like that is a manipulator.
There all the same dude, old Italian guy explained women to me once by just saying "better the devil you know then the devil you don't".
Woman are only as faithful as there options IMO.
Your better off now, go enjoy single life, it's great.

Wow...you got screwed over by an evil chick and you're going to lump all of us as the same crap. Thanks bro. Never cheated on anyone that I have been in a relationship with and I never would. I'm brutaly honest and it's not in me to cheat.
wow...you got screwed over by an evil chick and you're going to lump all of us as the same crap. Thanks bro. Never cheated on anyone that i have been in a relationship with and i never would. I'm brutaly honest and it's not in me to cheat......yet.

Same as you Raf....Some people actually have respect and values for their partner......women could say the same about men, since many of them are cheaters. For me its not worth it, I always say " If I want to be with someone else, you (my partner) will be the first to know!" I dont need to deal with a double life etc...If I am not happy I am out!

Same as you Raf....Some people actually have respect and values for their partner......women could say the same about men, since many of them are cheaters. For me its not worth it, I always say " If I want to be with someone else, you (my partner) will be the first to know!" I dont need to deal with a double life etc...If I am not happy I am out!

I told a girl that and she thinks I was prone to cheating
I like how the girl on the right is pulling her shirt to create a little side boob action.

I think she is pulling to create some ass action...lol

This thread is a super hit, totally off topic but got the attention...

My advice would be to do the right thing: leave her.

Your kinds will be better without her in their lives.

There may be some sort of government help available in terms of child health expenses or you will just need to find a better job and a better women.
eek well thats no good LOL.....were you ? haha

Uhhhhh, no. Its too involving to tell a lie and live thru it. I don't see how some ppl can do that.
Plus, one woman is enough for me. So much naggin and emotional crap, can u imagine more than one???
What I don't understand is why some people cheat, why be in a relationship in the first place if your intentions aren't pure?


ouch....5 years down the drain too.

On other news her rates are:

120/half, 200/hour. Available 11am - 10pm
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What I don't understand is why some people cheat, why be in a relationship in the first place if your intentions aren't pure?

LOL that's a loaded question if I ever saw one. :p
2 years...
Regardless, if you're not happy being with someone, break it off and call it a day.
What I don't understand is why some people cheat, why be in a relationship in the first place if your intentions aren't pure?
Exactly. If you want to go bang everyone, just stay single and go bang everyone.

If you happen to be in a relationship and do cheat, well, you ****ed up. Own up to it and see what happens. If you get dumped you probably deserve it anyway but at least you owned up to your mistake.
Completely agree! I never understood it either...if your so unhappy that you need to go cheat...then why are you sticking around after?

Can you imagine having more then one man around hahah, cause they dont have their own crap at all....hahha

All joking aside, it probably just depends on who your with....I dont have complaints currently but if you asked me about my last 5 year relationship I would tell you a million things that werent good....I can say though I still never cheated...just should have got out way sooner.

Uhhhhh, no. Its too involving to tell a lie and live thru it. I don't see how some ppl can do that.
Plus, one woman is enough for me. So much naggin and emotional crap, can u imagine more than one???
This thread suck without pics.

If this is true, I would remove your child from the situation immediately.
Group discount???
Best post yet!

Same as you Raf....Some people actually have respect and values for their partner......women could say the same about men, since many of them are cheaters. For me its not worth it, I always say " If I want to be with someone else, you (my partner) will be the first to know!" I dont need to deal with a double life etc...If I am not happy I am out!
You're different Jen. You're one of the few people that know what they want. Too many people out there don't have the balls to end the relationship when they're unhappy. Instead, they simply withdraw and make their partner just as miserable.
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