If you’re on a 600 and are exploring the options of what classes you could run in, I suggest taking a closer look at Open Sprint and Superbike. Realistically Grand Bend and TMP do not offer any advantage to the big cc bikes. What they gain in horsepower down the straight sections they lose in agility in the tight sections.
Further, if you think about your chances of doing well you’re far more likely to collect some tire money and get on a podium in Superbike or Open Sprint than you are in 600 Extreme even though you’re on a 600. Don’t be intimidated just because you’re on a 600, if you do well in 600 Extreme you’ll do even better in Superbike or Open. For the tires that pay contingency, if you finish 5[SUP]th[/SUP] in either class you’ll pretty much earn back your entry fee so it is almost a free class! If you’re no longer able to run Rookie due to experience there are a lot of guys that choose 600 Extreme and Superbike. As you newer guys graduate from Rookie and perhaps are looking for a 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] class to replace it I would suggest either Superbike or Open Sprint.
I like bigger grids! Come get some tire money! Come play with the big bikes! Actually, at SOAR round 2 this year I was on the only 1000cc bike in Open Sprint and there were only two of us in Superbike.
Discuss? Why? Why not?
Further, if you think about your chances of doing well you’re far more likely to collect some tire money and get on a podium in Superbike or Open Sprint than you are in 600 Extreme even though you’re on a 600. Don’t be intimidated just because you’re on a 600, if you do well in 600 Extreme you’ll do even better in Superbike or Open. For the tires that pay contingency, if you finish 5[SUP]th[/SUP] in either class you’ll pretty much earn back your entry fee so it is almost a free class! If you’re no longer able to run Rookie due to experience there are a lot of guys that choose 600 Extreme and Superbike. As you newer guys graduate from Rookie and perhaps are looking for a 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] class to replace it I would suggest either Superbike or Open Sprint.
I like bigger grids! Come get some tire money! Come play with the big bikes! Actually, at SOAR round 2 this year I was on the only 1000cc bike in Open Sprint and there were only two of us in Superbike.
Discuss? Why? Why not?