600 motorcycle insurance for M driver

Ride safe (y) that's a lot of motorcycle.

... and hang the passenger pegs on the garage wall.
do you think its unsafe to have a passenger on it?
Once you are comfortable with the bike, I don't know of any that would be unsafe with a passenger on a cruise (assuming there is a seat and foot pegs). Start pushing it and your run out of bike or skill faster with a passenger on board.
Once you are comfortable with the bike, I don't know of any that would be unsafe with a passenger on a cruise (assuming there is a seat and foot pegs). Start pushing it and your run out of bike or skill faster with a passenger on board.
ok makes sense i always took my girlfriend for rides on my fz6 but i gotta tell her to wait a bit for this one
do you think its unsafe to have a passenger on it?

I don’t think it will be any worse than a 600SS with a pillon.

Take one for a ride, check out the seat and make a determination for there. I’m sure it’s fine in a pinch. If you are trekking from GTA to Tremblant, I’d say your pillon is a trooper.

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