51st State? Or not.

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Not as much as I thought apparently, either way, he's supposed to be the head of state, why are new Canadians pledging elegance to a King that does not have our back.
It's not a lot in the great scheme of things.... but it's mostly extravagant boondoggery for a very privileged few. The Governor General usually travels with an entourage that can cost up to $200K/day.
King Charles III is the head of state of Canada (King of Canada):

The Governor General exercises most of the Sovereign's power in Canada:

The PM is the head of government...

As for the cost of the Crown, we don't pay tribute to the King but we do pay the GG's salary, residences, expenses, expenses of the King or designates while on Canadian business, the cost of hosting heads of state (dinners, etc.) and likely more under the cost of the "Crown". It is cheaper than paying to elect a President (to take the constitutional role) and then still paying ALL those expenses.

Some may say, just have a PM and make him the head of state and do away with the constitutional role (combine all the powers). They are also the people that say JT should have even fewer checks and balances. The President/Crown plays a constitutional role in most functioning democracies even if they don't have day to day powers. Some will say give an example where they said no, others will say the check is those questions are not asked. Dictators play book 101 is to do away with one of the roles and let all powers and processes reside with one person.

In the end when we look at many global rankings, western constitutional monarchy's tend to do very well. Other than concepts I see little advantage to change.
As for Chuck wading into the debate, IMO now is not the time for him to do or say anything publicly, but it may or may not come in the future.

And Trump lives off of media attention, we are already giving him too much on this.
I don't think it would be wise. We are culturally different. I'm sure we all know people who've worked with US companies (or work remotely with them) and the culture is different. I don't think we need to bring in a more belligerent mindset to the table. They're way more confrontational. We say we are divided here in Canada but there are lineages of families that identify to their political parties. It's just not something i'd want to bring in here.

And then add Newfoundlanders and east coasters in the mix and you've got another level of culture that goes deeper that would boggle them. And finally, introduce Quebecers and the minds of americans would be blown to smithereens.
I hated the comparison of Trump or any political leader to Nazis. It’s distracting from what they actual say or do. Name calling is just BS.

However, we now have a prez elect now publicly stating his desire to rename bodies of water and have other counties join them. It might not be Germany taking things by force but, there does seem to be some similarity rearing its head.

I thought Trump’s chief of staff would keep him on message and avoid the loonie stuff and look presidential.

Wish he would keep his focus on running the country instead of hare brained ideas from out of no where.
King Charles III is the head of state of Canada (King of Canada):

The Governor General exercises most of the Sovereign's power in Canada:

The PM is the head of government...

As for the cost of the Crown, we don't pay tribute to the King but we do pay the GG's salary, residences, expenses, expenses of the King or designates while on Canadian business, the cost of hosting heads of state (dinners, etc.) and likely more under the cost of the "Crown". It is cheaper than paying to elect a President (to take the constitutional role) and then still paying ALL those expenses.
Canada does not need a head of state, it's simply symbolic. That cost argument is one put forward by Monarchists, eliminating the GC and provincial LG roles would be a near 100% cost savings. The only loss would be the Poofery and Pagentry associated with the British Monarchy.
Some may say, just have a PM and make him the head of state and do away with the constitutional role (combine all the powers). They are also the people that say JT should have even fewer checks and balances. The President/Crown plays a constitutional role in most functioning democracies even if they don't have day to day powers. Some will say give an example where they said no, others will say the check is those questions are not asked. Dictators play book 101 is to do away with one of the roles and let all powers and processes reside with one person.
The GC has some reserve powers that some would argue are essential to protecting democracy. The counter to that is the situations they may be called to use them are obscure, the path they take when called to use them is defined that they could be executed by a page boy or girl.
In the end when we look at many global rankings, western constitutional monarchy's tend to do very well. Other than concepts I see little advantage to change.
As for Chuck wading into the debate, IMO now is not the time for him to do or say anything publicly, but it may or may not come in the future.

And Trump lives off of media attention, we are already giving him too much on this.
I have no opinion as to whether the Monarchy stays for goes. The cost may be irrelevant at $3.80/year per taxpayer it's not a killer cost on it's own.

My concern is isn't the annual personal cost to me of a Starbucks coffee, it's the number of coffees I'm buying the gov't. I'm also a bit partial to the cost of pomp for anyone serving the public -- having the public pay an individual's way to fly on charter jets, sleep in $6000/night hotel beds, or host dinner parties for 8 that cost $100K has no place in my Canada..
Best thing that could have happened was Trump winning four years ago , he would have been a two term babbling idiot , then gone . Now he’s had four years to really learn the game , and he’s all in on crazy. Elon Musk level crazy .

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Best thing that could have happened was Trump winning four years ago , he would have been a two term babbling idiot , then gone . Now he’s had four years to really learn the game , and he’s all in on crazy. Elon Musk level crazy .

Sent from my iPhone using GTAMotorcycle.com
The broligarchs are running the show.
I'm at work so I don't have time to read comments. Sorry. But I have to throw my 2 cents in.
It would be nice to get paid in American dollars. and pay American taxes. It would be nice to have a much stronger constitution, too, and the right to bare arms. I don't like what might happen to Healthcare, or University fees, and medication prices. I'm sure there's a lot of other ramifications I haven't considered.
I wonder if Canada would be a state, or if each province would become a state. Maybe Quebec would choose that time to finally separate.
Where this is a will, there is a way. I imagine it would be similar to Puerto Rico in terms of structure. Canada being an American territory, American currency, American citizenship etc.

The other elements such as government structure would be a huge undertaking. We have a British system and the US, is its own mismash.

I think we could keep our health care and tax systems but, that would depend on how much we surrender to the US to be welcomed to the US umbrella.

As much as I hate the idea of it, the truth is trading and acquisition of counties and territories isn’t a new thing. It might have been small stuff and over a 100 years ago but, there is not world consensus regulating things that everything must remain how they are.

The question is, is there a need or benefit to doing it? I say no.
WestBrantKid said:
It would be nice to have a much stronger constitution,
The US is not the model for nations as far as constitutions go these days and you can see the flaws
Canada's constitution is considered a model by many countries. Canada's constitution is based on several principles, including:

  • Federalism: Canada's constitution describes how powers are distributed between the national and provincial governments.

  • Constitutionalism: Canada's constitution is based on the principles of constitutionalism, democracy, and the rule of law.

  • Respect for minorities: Canada's constitution includes Aboriginal rights and treaty rights.

  • Dealing with minority nationalism: Canada is considered a model for how to deal with minority nationalism
not my problem
....Australia has its own flaws.
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