Uh... we already have that dude. Handguns are restricted. They're registered and bound by ATTs. You don't buy one legally unless you have a PAL, a clean background, and are a collector or member of a shooting club. How much more strict can it get? Its ridiculous. Beer kills way more people and has only ONE restriction placed on it - age.
Rifles, even the big black scary ones, simply are NOT used in homicides often enough to warrant such restrictions. And that's why the LGR is gone, and that's why when us gun folk hear the liberals touting "assault weapon bans" we wanna strangle them for their stupidity and callousness. Its not REASONABLE to place heavy restrictions on millions of law abiding citizens just for the small chance of saving 20-30 lives, majority of whom are actually individuals known to police (read: criminals). This logic is also why nobody would ever suggest another prohibition of alcohol. We like it, we wanna drink it. The deaths it causes are thus deemed acceptable. That's the price of 'freedom'..
Nope. Usage of alcohol is restricted too, and if you're caught breaking said restrictions, you get a criminal record. Even if you have an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle, a police can decide to ticket you for it. So there are consequences to not following the rules in place and thats part of the reason R.I.D.E program exists.
The restrictions you are mentioning that i've underlined, i'm basically saying it needs to be applied to our neighhhhbouuurrsss. I've repeated countless times that Canada has it right in terms of restriction / enforcement of firearms ownership.
Free for all on weapons doesn't make sense.
@BusaBob regarding suicide, suicide is a low that usually, and in most cases is temporary. You success rate at suicide increases greatly when
a) the method you use is very efficient and almost fail safe
b) it's already in your household or easily available within the next hour or so
c) not much thinking has to go into the action and the planning of it.
Someone who wants to jump off something (tall building, bridge, overpass etc) has all the time to actually rethink it through from the time that he makes the decision to the time he actually has to act on it.
Someone who wants to take a rope and jump off a stool... well, it takes a LOT of dedication and drive to actually convince your brain that it's the right thing to do...
And these methods aren't always fail safe as some people survive.
Out of the few survivors i know, they're still living years after the incident.
The gun reduces the chances of survival by a lot. Usually in that state you'll look for the easiest way out. Oh there's a gun in my house, lets just use that. Once you add layers of complexity and chances of survival to the act, that will act as enough of a deterrent to stop a person from going through with it.