$25,000 reward to catch these guys.

no tracking device in these cash boxes? and no electronic alert to police whenever the ATM is compromised? whoever designed it needs to be fired lol

There likely is a gps tracker in the atm somewhere but not in the actual cash cartridge.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2
"Hey bro the cops are offering a 25,000 reward for you and your friends. Give me 50,000 and I won't turn you in."

Hope u dont end up in a body bag

Sent from my tablet using my paws
From the way they are hitting these machines my bet is that either one or both are attached to the machines in some way......

perhaps even......

I used to work in a warehouse that stored ATMs for most of the banks in Canada. Quite often these smaller portable ATMs would come in after being broken into but we also saw several large, full size ATMs that had been broken into as well. We used to find bits of bills inside the machines and eventually pieced together a complete $50 bill lol.
maybe they're in the industry and know which models have weak points/deficiencies that they expose. In and out in under 60 secs with an average haul of $2500...

how long before there are copy cats?
Back when I was 19, I used assemble and wire up these suckers at NCR.

Trust me....it ain't that hard to get in into one :)
maybe they're in the industry and know which models have weak points/deficiencies that they expose. In and out in under 60 secs with an average haul of $2500...

how long before there are copy cats?

about 30 min, got to change the tip
these are the guys that are stealing your bikes!

uhm I think not
these guys get $20+ THOUSAND in CASH in less than 1 minute
vs stealing a minivan, scouting bikes, then stealing the bikes then fencing them
maybe they're in the industry and know which models have weak points/deficiencies that they expose. In and out in under 60 secs with an average haul of $2500...

how long before there are copy cats?

When I saw that video I had a similar thought. How did they know exactly where to cut and how much "power" to apply?
It's not like you just get an ATM to hone your skills on.
When I saw that video I had a similar thought. How did they know exactly where to cut and how much "power" to apply?
It's not like you just get an ATM to hone your skills on.


Gut the lock. Hatch swings open. I think people are over thinking this. The little stand-alone atms aren't bank vaults.
Shouldn't this be moved to a "How To.... ?" thread?

I love it when they do this..... "Here are some very successful theives, here's exactly how they do it, exactly how they avoid being identified, and the few mistakes they made that resulted in the clues that don't even help us find them... please narc on them and we'll give you 2% of what they have stolen"
Shouldn't this be moved to a "How To.... ?" thread? I love it when they do this..... "Here are some very successful theives, here's exactly how they do it, exactly how they avoid being identified, and the few mistakes they made that resulted in the clues that don't even help us find them... please narc on them and we'll give you 2% of what they have stolen"

Meh, I don't get out of bed for less than $100K

Plus they have to be alive.

Let Dog do it....

These guys are pretty good. It just goes to show that with some reasonable smarts, crime can pay. This sort of crime doesn't really bother me at all, its actually quite impressive. I hate those little rip off ATM's anyway. Hopefully, these guys are smart enough to know when to quit though.
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