2023 GTA Photo Tag!

Yeah that's me. I can't even. I've been avoiding this thread until I get her fixed because sads. And let me tell you how much I hate people at work asking me if I've got the bike out yet. 😂😭 Chalk it up to a combo of my epic ability to procrastinate, hate for talking on the phone, getting a mechanic nearby who doesn't think electric bikes are the antichrist, and getting a tow out of underground parking. It's in the shop now and waiting on a new ignition switch; if that's the only issue I'll hopefully have her back this week.
Thoughts and prayers needed. 🤣
That sucks :( Hope it gets fixed soon and you are back in business
Yeah that's me. I can't even. I've been avoiding this thread until I get her fixed because sads. And let me tell you how much I hate people at work asking me if I've got the bike out yet. 😂😭 Chalk it up to a combo of my epic ability to procrastinate, hate for talking on the phone, getting a mechanic nearby who doesn't think electric bikes are the antichrist, and getting a tow out of underground parking. It's in the shop now and waiting on a new ignition switch; if that's the only issue I'll hopefully have her back this week.
Thoughts and prayers needed. 🤣
Thanks for the update, good vibes sent. I'm positive you will be back up and running in no time, it's photo tag after all!! You can't miss it.
You only say that because you need and excuse to get out of burger night.

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