2015 Ontario GTA Photo Tag

Dark horse espresso bar, west of Queen n Broadview (from the east side street), Toronto

The bike on the bottom, right is mine**
I might have been standing right beside you and didn't even know it...

And that is a possibility, but I'm not in that picture ahaha. I was in your spot taking that angle of pictures for a bit tho.
which one is it!!
Looks like the one on st clair, maybe?

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
Nice. Get yourself a heated vest and heated gloves and we'll try to keep this going for while...
I have a heated vest, just need the gloves now.

Been too busy at work lately to tag :(
Oh shoot! I guess I got caught not looking through all 69 pages of posts. Lol. I can post a new one in the morning or you can take it from here! (Not sure the rules for a duplicated location, and I can't go out til morning because of my M1 restriction)
You're fine she was just making an observation

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As long as someone doesn't use a pic that was grabbed before the tag was issued,
For example:

But you're good. Heated equipment isn't necessary, but can only imagine it being so damn helpful hhahaha
Anyone want to ride my bike to tags while I chase in the cage so I can get another tag before the season ends?? ?

Sent from a Samsung Galaxy far, far away using Tapatalk
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