2014 Ontario GTA Photo Tag

Man slowpoke is taking the pics up a few notches

Old: wind turbine at exhibition place

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Man slowpoke is taking the pics up a few notches

Old: wind turbine at exhibition place

More than a few notches, imo.
The one with the cool sky background is my new BBM avatar!
Thanks Slowpoke!
Old: The CNE Bandshell

I think Slowpoke needs to offer a class on taking high quality photos with our phones? I know mine pale huge by comparison!

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Beat me by 1 min!
Old. Humber yacht club

Hint: if you're looking for this in Grafetti Alley you're a bit too far east.

Also, not visible on Google maps

Another hint (added Sept 15th am) - within 150m (as the crow flies) of a park named after someone who has had a very positive impact on the lives of those who suffer from mental health and similar issues in Toronto.

One more hint: within 150ft of a small Green P parking lot!
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DDean, the image is available through Google Images and on Street-view. However, the street-view image is a little distorted. But can help with locating this mural down the alley!
The park is named after a person who has helped mental health patients in Toronto.
Excuse my ignorance, but how are you searching this through Google Images? Typing in what you see? Describe the pic? Or can you actually input the image to search?
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625 Windows Phone using Tapatalk
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