2013 Ontario GTA Photo Tag

I'm east but my bike tires are afraid of cold pavement.
I'm east but my bike tires are afraid of cold pavement.
It's okay once you ride within your limits and safely & remember The center part of the tire will heat up after a few minutes of riding and give more adhesion, but the edges of the tire that do not contact the surface during normal straight-ahead riding remain colder than the rest of the tire.It’s good to remember that cold tires against cold pavement can cause a situation similar to riding on wet pavement. So treat colder weather the same as you would wet weather, and remember to ride safe.”
It's okay once you ride within your limits and safely & remember The center part of the tire will heat up after a few minutes of riding and give more adhesion, but the edges of the tire that do not contact the surface during normal straight-ahead riding remain colder than the rest of the tire.It’s good to remember that cold tires against cold pavement can cause a situation similar to riding on wet pavement. So treat colder weather the same as you would wet weather, and remember to ride safe.”

... Lmao. Wow. Google, copy, patste much?
What does "Bump for current tag " Mean ?
"Bump" just means to bring a certain post to the front of the thread. 'Cause people are chatting, the "tag" is getting lost so Zaneris "bumped" it to bring it to the current page.
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A ferry of some sort with porter in the background.... Hmmmmmmmm lol


Porter Airlines Ferry Dock

Base of Bathurst St.

EDIT: Security guards were not very amused by my manoeuver, at this time of day there's a lot of security for obvious reasons.
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Porter Airlines Ferry Dock

Base of Bathurst St.

EDIT: Security guards were not very amused by my manoeuver, at this time of day there's a lot of security for obvious reasons.

You'll get used to people looking at you awkwardly or asking what you're doing after playing this game for awhile, we're probably all on CSIS' watch list by now lol.


"Riddle me this, riddle me that,
A Beach you will see, Across from This Park.

You'd have to move south, and turn west to the Tip,
If on Leslie you're bound, might as well try to Spit."

Hehehe ;)
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