Also, I want to HID kit as I mentioned above, I searched on google in regards to getting angel eyes /w HID, I think i want to stay away from it for the time being, they are talking about baking (in the oven) the headlight assembly, cutting, and gluing, etc.
So, just a pair of HIDs, 8000K should be good? What's the blub size?
How do I get rid of daylight running lights?, I want it so, with a flip of a switch (or even the stock low/beam, high/beam button), I want both sides of the headlights to light up with HID,
Any thoughts on this?
Yes. Don't do the lighting modifications that you are proposing. None of them.
Here's why: Safety, and legality. Your safety on the road has to take priority over "vanity", appearance, etc.
The "integrated tail lamp" that you are proposing gives very poor visibility of the turn signal functions compared to the stock signals. If you are riding with others, do you want the rider behind you to hit you because they couldn't see your signal and therefore didn't realize that you were planning to turn off the road? Do you want car drivers to not see what you are planning to do?
ALL "integrated tail lamps" have this situation. There is a minimum separation distance between left and right signals in the CMVSS lighting standards which no "integrated tail lamp" can possibly be in compliance with. That minimum separation distance requirement is there to make the signal visible to others behind you!
As for your headlights ... All motorcycles built after 1971 are legally required to have a white lamp facing forward which is on at all times when the engine is running, and that lamp has to be visible (essentially, it has to be a headlight). This is for SAFETY. Do you want that car driver up ahead to turn left in front of you because they didn't see you because you didn't have a working headlight because you forgot to turn them on (remember, it's daylight, you can't see if the light is on or off when you are on the bike). You want that lamp to come on automatically and not have the option to turn it off (i.e. you don't want the option of forgetting to turn it on).
HID bulbs in standard reflector housings will generally not have proper low-beam cutoff (i.e. they will send too much light too high, blinding oncoming drivers). Some reflector designs are better than others, I have no idea whether the specific reflector housings in your bike will give an acceptable beam pattern.
If you INSIST on HID bulbs, the 4000 - 5000 K colour temperature range will give best visibility. 8000 K will have lower light output and the light will be more blue/purple. Remember, your forward-facing lamp has to be WHITE ... not blue or purple.
I know you want to customize your ride. I know you want to attract attention. But your safety has to come first. And, sometimes, NOT attracting attention (of the cops ...) is a good thing.