2011 Kawi Ninja 400R - It's Here...

I own one of these 2011 Ninja 400r's. Beauty of a bike. Shes my first street bike. The only problem I am having is insurance for a 16yr old g1m1 driver.

Geeez... 16 and on a bike ??

I know that would be a suicide for me, but then maybe your much smarter than what I was at 16 =)

Just, behave.
I dont know yet. Its very quiet right now, probably will end up changing it in like two months.

Sexy bike! That muffler is whacked, plan on keeping it stock or tormenting the neighbourhood with a new one?! :)

-Jamie M.
I dont know yet. Its very quiet right now, probably will end up changing it in like two months.
Looks like the 650r stuff fits the 400! The 650r doesn't have an O2 sensor but the 400 does, so I guess you'd have to get a bung welded in if you went two bro's, unless they have one for the 400r out already! http://www.twobros.com/cgi-bin/shop...archResult-Simple-Kaw-Ninja650-Vale_2006.html


The all black edition carbon fiber one would look SICK on your bike!

Available for $477 (+$40 for black edition) from Bluestreak Racing http://www.bluestreakracing.ca/en/b..._brothers/two_brothers_Ninja_650R_Versys.html

400r with 650r exhaust: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IYT2jiFlZY

It has a removable baffle so you can make it louder when you want and the muffler shaves a mind blowing 9 pounds off the bike! :)

-Jamie M.
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Haha haaaaaaa!!! It is what it is indeed. Post of the year so far?:lmao:
Such a perfect beginner bike. Not too much power, but just enough to keep you thrilled for more than one season cough*ninja250*cough

Too bad the price point is just rediculous
i had the (dis)pleasure of riding with someone last year that had a ninja 400 with a pipe on it. I'm pretty sure it was a two bros pipe, and was one of the most obnoxiously loud pipe's I've ever heard.
i had the (dis)pleasure of riding with someone last year that had a ninja 400 with a pipe on it. I'm pretty sure it was a two bros pipe, and was one of the most obnoxiously loud pipe's I've ever heard.
it's not super bad with the baffle in, but put it on a Ninja 250 and take the baffle out and it's like riding beside a helicopter! :)

-Jamie M.
it's not super bad with the baffle in, but put it on a Ninja 250 and take the baffle out and it's like riding beside a helicopter! :)

-Jamie M.
yea i'm not a fan of pipes on the 250 either. idk if this guy didn't have the baffle in or not, but it didn't matter where I was in the group all you could hear was his bike.
Very interesting.. I remember wanting an older 90s kawi greybike a few years back because I knew the insurance would be decent and it would have some balls over our north American 250 counterparts.. not to mention the cool and unique factor!

Might just be an option next year for me as well once someone has outridden it after 1000kms like someone else said haha.
Very interesting.. I remember wanting an older 90s kawi greybike a few years back because I knew the insurance would be decent and it would have some balls over our north American 250 counterparts.. not to mention the cool and unique factor!

Might just be an option next year for me as well once someone has outridden it after 1000kms like someone else said haha.

Anyone that says they've outridden a 250 after 1000kms is either the next Rossi, or lying through their teeth.
Anyone that says they've outridden a 250 after 1000kms is either the next Rossi, or lying through their teeth.

Im tired of hearing people get flamed for claiming they out rode their 250. It could take 5-10 years to master that bike and perfect ones riding. Does that mean they need to stick with a bike that doesn't turn them on anymore

"out rode" could simply mean, and did for me, that after 3,500kms the bike just simply didn't turn me on anymore. It didn't give me that tingle in my pants that I get every time I sit on my 600. And isn't that what we all ride for? Unfortunately we don't live in the canyons of California where we can enjoy a 250 to its max, the little ninja just isn't built for our wide open freeways and long country roads as much.
Im tired of hearing people get flamed for claiming they out rode their 250. It could take 5-10 years to master that bike and perfect ones riding. Does that mean they need to stick with a bike that doesn't turn them on anymore

"out rode" could simply mean, and did for me, that after 3,500kms the bike just simply didn't turn me on anymore. It didn't give me that tingle in my pants that I get every time I sit on my 600. And isn't that what we all ride for? Unfortunately we don't live in the canyons of California where we can enjoy a 250 to its max, the little ninja just isn't built for our wide open freeways and long country roads as much.

sometimes its just worded wrong...yea maybe you feel comfortable after a while and if you're just using the 250 as a learning tool and have the means to upgrade good for you. Right now I'm sure someone in a position similar to me would rather not feel that tingle in their pants, because its probably an insurance company's dick up their ***...

It all depends on your situation, I got my bike new at 19 have 40k km and am 22 and still riding it. Last insurance renewal was 1800 bucks so still not cheap yet...Yea it doesn't feel supercharged or anything but its more than competent for my needs and I'd much rather ride it than nothing or a 125 or an ugly *** bike with more power.
Where did you get those numbers from?? The ninja 400 are selling for $6500/6900 in any Kawi dealer!
Your numbers are totally WRONG!!!!
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