Tek My alarm had gone off around 2-3am about 1x on two separate days over the last two weeks. I assume they were scouting it. We went to Niagara the day prior and on a normal day it would have been down there at 2-3am. They must have waited for me to get home at 8am when they noticed the bike wasn't there. They waited it out and made sure I wasn't going to go back out or wait for me to go to bed which is what I did. Then they swooped it at 10:35 and were out of there at 10:37. They just piggybacked someone in and they were out even before the door had closed shut.
There were gardeners outside, someone moving in the loading dock, and the mail man delivering the mail. It was really busy out and nobody noticed anything unusual. Once they were ready to take it nothing was going to stop them. I think they were going to take my gf's 250 to but she had taken it to work that day. This was very well planned; it was the Friday of a long weekends which is when the cops are busy as hell. They even told me they were overwhelmed and there was a longer then normal wait time based on the severity of my incident (which in my eye's seemed to be a 0 out of 10)
My condo board forced me to move my car two weeks back and prior to that I had my car blocking it against a concrete wall. Im starting to think whoever complained for them to enforce their constitution knows the people involved in taking my bike.