2011 Daytona 675 SE white blue _ Stolen

Sucks to hear dude...
Cop finally showed up. Plates were stolen a few days ago in this area and put on the van... He said these guys were pro's and the bike is more then likely out of the GTA by now.
That's ****ing ********. you work your as off so you can buy something nice for yourself and some ****ing low life cum sucking ******* comes and steals it. i hope the ****er dies a miserable painful slow death. i spit on his grave. ****ers.
If the cops are saying it will most likely never be seen again does that help speed up the insurance process?
I was going to ask if you had an alarm until I read the update. I have the i900 as well. Pretty much what I expected, all it does is drain the battery. :-/
More than anything the alarm is a deterrent for idiots who like to sit on people's bikes etc.. But a determined thief will not be stopped or even slowed down by an alarm unless it's in a public, populated area.

What surprises me is the time of this incident, I had always assumed most of these thefts would occur in the middle of the night when it's unlikely anyone would see them. I've had my own alarm set off a few times in the middle of the night, but have always assumed it was a glitch (my Scorpio has gone off a few times on its own when I could see the bike)... now I wonder...
More than anything the alarm is a deterrent for idiots who like to sit on people's bikes etc.. But a determined thief will not be stopped or even slowed down by an alarm unless it's in a public, populated area.

What surprises me is the time of this incident, I had always assumed most of these thefts would occur in the middle of the night when it's unlikely anyone would see them. I've had my own alarm set off a few times in the middle of the night, but have always assumed it was a glitch (my Scorpio has gone off a few times on its own when I could see the bike)... now I wonder...

Mine has gone off "for no reason" as well. A few of those times were at work and it was in plain view. No one near it and no significant wind.
This is exactly how I feel . . . .

That's ****ing ********. you work your as off so you can buy something nice for yourself and some ****ing low life cum sucking ******* comes and steals it. i hope the ****er dies a miserable painful slow death. i spit on his grave. ****ers.

Thanks for sharing my pain everyone . . . fortunately my gf just got her ninja 250 so I guess well be 2upping on that =/
I've seen you two riding in thornhill actually. That bike was gorgeous man. Good luck with everything and hopefully you end up with something just as nice.
do a lot of ninja 250s get stolen? been thinking about getting one :S don't want anyone to steal it

They are a popular bike so i would assume they do get stolen quite a bit.
GSXRs and R6/R1's are stolen pretty often i would assume the most out of all.
That's the sad part, that people have to "take that kind of risk" these days... Nobody respects anybody's property anymore, so many low-life crooks looking to make a quick buck. None of them give a damn about what it'll do to the victim.

I know it's not likely, but I hope the SOB/s get what they deserve...

The problem isn't the crooks, there's always gonna be people trying to make a quick buck. The problem is the do nothing, rather catch you speeding than do real work "police force" we have operating here.
The problem isn't the crooks, there's always gonna be people trying to make a quick buck. The problem is the do nothing, rather catch you speeding than do real work "police force" we have operating here.

This is very true. When I needed law enforcement help, there are never there for you. Yeah, the cop came to do a report and stuff, but every followup was a run around... And when they want to catch you speeding, they are more than happy to do that! I will end of saying that certain stuff that are stolen are not hard to track and doesn't take much resource to find out... But I guess catching speeders via speed trap is much easier. That's my 2 cents.
More than anything the alarm is a deterrent for idiots who like to sit on people's bikes etc.. But a determined thief will not be stopped or even slowed down by an alarm unless it's in a public, populated area.

What surprises me is the time of this incident, I had always assumed most of these thefts would occur in the middle of the night when it's unlikely anyone would see them. I've had my own alarm set off a few times in the middle of the night, but have always assumed it was a glitch (my Scorpio has gone off a few times on its own when I could see the bike)... now I wonder...

Tek My alarm had gone off around 2-3am about 1x on two separate days over the last two weeks. I assume they were scouting it. We went to Niagara the day prior and on a normal day it would have been down there at 2-3am. They must have waited for me to get home at 8am when they noticed the bike wasn't there. They waited it out and made sure I wasn't going to go back out or wait for me to go to bed which is what I did. Then they swooped it at 10:35 and were out of there at 10:37. They just piggybacked someone in and they were out even before the door had closed shut.

There were gardeners outside, someone moving in the loading dock, and the mail man delivering the mail. It was really busy out and nobody noticed anything unusual. Once they were ready to take it nothing was going to stop them. I think they were going to take my gf's 250 to but she had taken it to work that day. This was very well planned; it was the Friday of a long weekends which is when the cops are busy as hell. They even told me they were overwhelmed and there was a longer then normal wait time based on the severity of my incident (which in my eye's seemed to be a 0 out of 10)

My condo board forced me to move my car two weeks back and prior to that I had my car blocking it against a concrete wall. Im starting to think whoever complained for them to enforce their constitution knows the people involved in taking my bike.
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