2007 cbr 125 won't start unless jumped and only runs for a few seconds

Your bike comes with a YT7S battery, its located under the seat.
Take it out, go to your local shop that has a battery load tester and they can verify that its capable of accepting and maintaining a charge.
If its the original, or one of those Chinese p.o.s., its likely time to replace it.
If it starts when jump started, but then dies, you have another problem besides a dead battery. A video of it starting might help us see/hear what's going on.
Dies and shuts off I can't get a video of it now because I don't have the cables. What do you think would be wrong from leaving the lights on other than the battery cause it was working right before that
What happens if you start it and immediately open the throttle slightly to hold it at 3000 rpm ish?
rpm's is less important then how long before it quit, for example; if it has a sensor that prevents it from running without oil in the motor.

My concern would be that it was fully charged just before you seen it ride up for the first time,
in which case some meter testing is in order.
Do they teach how to use a multi-meter in all schools? or is that way too much to expect of the teachers :|
Fortunately all described in great detail in chapter 17 of the service manual (y)
read it until you get to something you don't understand and then ask.

VOM Meters are super cheap, you should be able to find one good enough for like 12 bucks, stick it in The tool box.
That manual is awesome you should memorize it.

... the steering head bearings suck if you are ever looking to upgrade something.
Thanks a lot but if the lights dont even turn on when i turn the key does it mean its the battery or it could be something else?
Taillight is directly on switched power from the ignition switch (and a fuse). If that's not coming on when you turn the key on, nor the neutral light, you have no electrical power. The engine will also not even crank, never mind run at all. Get your symptoms straight...
Diagnosing an electrical like that over a forum when you can't check anything with a meter is like peeing upwind.
As mentioned before, a cheap meter is a useful tool.
I'm betting there's a short in the battery which allows you to boost it to start but is causing havoc with the electronics once running. Easy to prove or disprove with a meter. There could be one or more problems, but given the recent history, you need to figure out the status of the battery

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If you could read above you'd see I said I don't have cables untill the weekend and I said I'm new to this. And I'm just trying to see if I just need a replacement battery. Some people here are nice and helpful but some people are just straight rude.
I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just pointing out that you're not likely going to come to an answer without doing some testing.

I get it that you can't get to that right now, but I get the impression that you're looking for an alternative to the diagnostic checks that have been suggested.

Sent from my SM-A500W using Tapatalk
No worries, you'll sort it out, it takes years to learn unless you have lots of problems but that manual is key, that's how I had to learn. Internet was not an option but fortunately I had an older brother who taught me electronics, then I taught him motors.

Lesson #1 motorcycle batteries suck, they always have, I've bought dozens,
personally if I get 4 years out of one I think I'm doing good.
But that might not be your only problem.
Oh by the way, your motor is equipped with PGM-Fi don't rev the engine to sort it out, let it idle until it reaches operating temperature,
believe it or not it will sort out most issues on its own, just make sure the idle speed is set correctly.

... also check/clean your air filter.

I completely forget - do CBR125s have IAC, or a fast idle lever
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