2007 cbr 125 won't start unless jumped and only runs for a few seconds

I'm just now puting my tires on and I got it off the rim but getting the last side fully onto the rim is a pain I've been doing it for so long but the last of it is so tight and won't go on what do I do?
I'm just now puting my tires on and I got it off the rim but getting the last side fully onto the rim is a pain I've been doing it for so long but the last of it is so tight and won't go on what do I do?
Zip ties...squeeze the tire together...zip tie, with biggest ones you can get...slide on the rim

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Can also try leaving them in the sun so they become more pliable. Might be a little cold now so leaving them near a space heater might work.
Tubeless tyre?
I pre stretch them the night before by sticking an inner tube inside it and inflating that so it stretches the sidewalls outwards.
Seems to work for me ok.

... did you take the valve stem out when you are putting the air in the first time? that works too. No valve stem, the air rushes in much faster ;)
Ya I took the stem out. Ya I can't really put them in the sun its cold out where I am. I was just seeing a video of a guy duct taping the tires tight together and then fit the tire on then remove the duct tape once it was on the rim, you think that would be good?
Good and warm. I use wd40 for lube. Some won't agree with that. I've never had a problem.
Just got it on with help from my grampa standing on both sides. I was like idk if it will go on like this and he said trust me it will, just go harder while I stand on it and it worked lol. I guess it's good to be stubborn sometimes
Ya grampa (y)
Tie down or ratchet straps can help sometimes too for next time.

tyre sidewall stretcher outer :geek:
After going through that I don't really wanna change the front tire and it's in really good shape anyways I just NEEDED to change the rear. Would it be bad if I just put the new rear tire on and left the front one on, like I said it's in good shape but they are different tires and don't have the same tread ect. I've hear alot of talk about this but if i bring it to get a safety done on it will they pass or not?
It will be fine just as long as there is sufficient tread and the sidewalls aren't all cracked looking. How it will ride, well you are going to find out.
... next time it will be easier because of all the stuff you learned the first time ;) consider it quality time with your motorcycle and your grampa.
Does he ride or does he think you are crazy?
lol is usually one way or the other
Honestly I don't know if he thinks I'm crazy or not he doesn't ride but he doesn't say anything or really has any interest but he did help me today and he seemed to know what I was doing and knew what to do so I don't know ??
After going through that I don't really wanna change the front tire and it's in really good shape anyways I just NEEDED to change the rear. Would it be bad if I just put the new rear tire on and left the front one on, like I said it's in good shape but they are different tires and don't have the same tread ect. I've hear alot of talk about this but if i bring it to get a safety done on it will they pass or not?
How old is the front tire? The manufacturing date is molded into the sidewall. Tech Tips: How To Read Motorcycle Tire Date Codes
So it was made in the 40th week of 2014. As long as it isn't showing any obvious signs of age, it will be fine.
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