This millionaire coverage is stupid, in the US it's $200,000 and you only pay $36/month insurance for your bike. Why do we need $1 million coverage anyways? It's not like a bike is going to destroy 10 BMW's in a crash, no way a bike can do that kind of damage. Let us choose what coverage we want.
Wow. My dumb-ometer went through the roof after reading that.
The high amount of liability has very little to do with property damage (cars, houses, street lamps, whatever), it's for health coverage if you wreck someone's body including yours, which is entirely possible on any motorcycle by the way.
Here in Canada our health care is universal (i'm sure you're aware of that) so the 1 million that you are covered for pays for those long-term care or rehab sessions that you or your victims will need. The way it is setup here is that even though you or someone else suffers from a terrible accident, at fault or not, you can still enjoy your life and make the best of it. Our health care pays for the regular hospital stuff and the insurance pays for any other doctor you need to visit in order to walk again.
In the states, if you get minimum coverage to go enjoy your shiny bike and you t-bone a minivan and hurt 2 people plus yourself, that 200k is not going to last very long. If those people need long-term care, they can and will sue you. Your life can literally be ruined in a very short moment. If you lived in the US, you better hope you have insurance through your work if you plan to ride.
Imagine going out for a scoot, at-fault accident and you wreck your back. Once your 200k is depleted then the victims sue you for compensation of lost wages, medical bills, etc. Now that your back is fubar'd, you lose your job.
Ya. Not a picture I want to be painted in. And sadly it does happen.
Insurance prices are astronomical in Ontario and other Canadian provinces, but unless you die from a motorcycle accident, you can still have a life.