Please read where I said its about the princepal of it. I can afford it, I choose to keep my money instead of wasting it at in the insurance companys pocket. and who would be put at risk if I ride with out insurance? you realize you pay for the risk of uninsured drivers. therefor, your covered for that possibility.
Also, Yes you dont HAVE TO HAVE a SS, but who the **** is the government to decide I cant have one? free people my ***...... Go ahead sheeple, when statefarm stops covering them in two years, and TD either is too high to afford no matter who you are, or they stop as well go get your fazer and be happy.... Ill keep my SS and risk it. Now move on people and continue being free and enjoying all the things your alowed to do in your close minded free worlds.
We would ALL be "at risk" if you ride without insurance. If you hit something then yes $200,000 is MORE than enough liability. If you hit SOMEONE, it is not going to be nearly enough, (unless your riding your SS at 10 km per hour) I can be just as outlandish as you can. But seriously how are we ALL effected. in a crash it is likely your going to get hurt. Well seeing that your advocating riding dirty, then WHO do you think pays for your medical treatments?? That is right we ALL do, through our taxes. So yes YOU are a self entitled foolish person who CLAIMS to have all this money but then turns around as says for $10 bucks a month it is worth it for you. Then you say riding dirty will soon your only option. NO THAT IS WRONG there ARE other options:
1. Sell your bike and STOP putting others at risk because you FEEL ENTITLED to ride an SS, this is not a basic human right it is a WANT plan and simple. The Gov't or the insurers aren't "telling you that you can't ride an SS", they are telling you that
for that right you must be willing to pay. IF the Gov't were "telling you you can't have an SS" then they would simply outlaw them and THEN you would have a valid point. Just as a person who CHOOSES to drive a Ferrari "pays for that privilege" over driving a mid sized family vehicle.
2. Ride dirty BUT make a point, Call the police tell them exactly where you will meet them on your bike without insurance, then go on every media outlet to explain your position is in protest of high insurance rates. This is having CONVICTION in your position, (willing to accept the consequences of ones actions, something which is "apparently" lost on you). Pay the fine and accept the consequences, who knows you "MIGHT" get a sympathetic crown and sympathetic JP, but I wouldn't count on it. Then of course the public "might" support your right to rip around the streets on an SS without insurance. BUT, I also won't be counting on that one
3. Come to the realization that you "CHOOSE" to ride a specific class of vehicle and for that you WILL pay more, than someone who chooses to drive a different class of vehicle. As such the difference between $200,000 and $1 million is insignificant, but if you choose to accept the risk that is your call, and your right. Riding dirty is NEITHER.