0.2 or 1M liability?

on a motorcycle, think of it this way......

1) if you hit a padestrian... make sure you kill them. Its cheaper.
2) if you have a colision with a vehicle, and you are in anyway going any where even remotly close to 200 000$ in damages and expenses, Face the light here people. YOU WILL PROBABLY BE DEAD. In that case, who the **** cares what coverage. What are they going to do, claim your body at the morgue and whore out your corpse untill they get the money from you..... TFB keep the money in your pocket even if it is only 10 cents a year cheaper than 1mill.

on a car, Dont be dumb, get 1M liability. Its easy to do 200 Thou in a cage and survive. But just like I said up there^ If you hit some one on whos not in a cage, Kill them its cheaper.

You hit a car, or loose control, fall of the bike and your bike goes into a crowd of people injuring them.

Not much that 200,000 will do for you at that point.
You hit a car, or loose control, fall of the bike and your bike goes into a crowd of people injuring them.

Not much that 200,000 will do for you at that point.

It could happen.


Same scenario could happen as in the above, except replace the car with a 1000cc.

I can think of scenarios where a bike could take out pedestrians on a warm sunny day.
ok sorry let me qualify something.... If you dont have an estate (single guy renting an apartment type deal) then **** it get 200.... and all you people saying that a bike running into a crowd of people blablabla... your dumb. Stop wasting my air.... if you cant ride, dont. theres ne scenario where you would run into a group of people like that unless you did it intentionaly. and in that case you deserve to loose everything you ever had or will have.... pull your heads out of your *****. if you dont have an estate, **** everyone else, save your money.
ok sorry let me qualify something.... If you dont have an estate (single guy renting an apartment type deal) then **** it get 200.... and all you people saying that a bike running into a crowd of people blablabla... your dumb. Stop wasting my air.... if you cant ride, dont. theres ne scenario where you would run into a group of people like that unless you did it intentionaly. and in that case you deserve to loose everything you ever had or will have.... pull your heads out of your *****. if you dont have an estate, **** everyone else, save your money.

Can't happen? $200K isn't going to fix this. I'll ignore the lack of responsibility and spelling skills.

ok sorry let me qualify something.... If you dont have an estate (single guy renting an apartment type deal) then **** it get 200.... and all you people saying that a bike running into a crowd of people blablabla... your dumb. Stop wasting my air.... if you cant ride, dont. theres ne scenario where you would run into a group of people like that unless you did it intentionaly. and in that case you deserve to loose everything you ever had or will have.... pull your heads out of your *****. if you dont have an estate, **** everyone else, save your money.

yup, **** everyone else, their families, lives etc...

as long as you can save 10 bucks per month thats all that counts eh
You spelling nazi's irritate me.... get over your self..... And yes,
as long as ***I*** save that 120$ a year, that IS all that matters. Ive payed insane amounts of money to insurance company's for long enough. **** the public, its time that I payed a fair rate.... If the insurance industry was at all fair and reasonable in this province I wouldn't have this opinion. Besides, get real people. If you cause 200k + in damages YOU WILL MORE THAN LIKELY BE DEAD if you caused that damage on a motorcycle. Not to mention if you caused that damage on a SS. A cruiser, is a little more likely to cause damage like that being that its bigger heavier and stronger. PS, A 1000cc or a 600cc changes nothing. Its the rider behind the bars so get over your bicycle homicide photo and get real.

Go ahead, Tell me how if your going 200 and hit someone your going to do that kind of damage. Please tell me how it would hurt some one else's life.... because it falls on deaf ears. The bottom line, you cause 200,000 in damage your probably going to be dead, and if your not you will be so close to death that you will never be able to be financially responsible for the damage you did anyway....

You people don't like these facts? too bad the bottom line is a dollar in my pocket is better than a dollar in the insurance company's pocket when it comes to bike insurance. PERIOD.
Just because you're dead does not mean that the other victims can't pursue you posthumously to recover damages in excess of your $200k insurance policy.

Things get more complicated but any estates or assets in your name goes to them. The house you leave your wife/kids could be gone to pay off the victims' settlements.

It would be naïve to suggest that death or poor quality life is going to relieve you of financial responsibility for the damaged you caused.


edit: I have a family friend who was hit by a car when he was 7yrs old, and now he's a special needs kid. After ~10 years of court battle with a team of lawyers, they've settled for over $1.5 million.

It could be as simple as mounting the curb and hitting a kid or pregnant women on the sidewalk.

Money adds up very quickly, especially when brain damage is involved.
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Ive payed insane amounts of money to insurance company's for long enough. **** the public, its time that I payed a fair rate....

Poor YOU.. Because it is OBVIOUS your the ONLY person paying high rates so screw everyone else. It is easy to read that your young and ENTITLED, thinking the world OWES YOU. If saving $10 a month is that important to you. Here is a VIABLE suggestion...... Sell your bike then you won't be paying that extra $10 a month in fact you'll be saving a whole crap load more. YOU decided to ride, YOU bought insurance, (if you didn't check out the rates before you bought your crotch rocket then your an IDIOT). Yeah man saving $10 a month is worth it as you said you will likely be dead BUT it will be your estate and your family that will suffer the devastation. How?? Say you have a $250,000 life insurance policy... THAT IS GONE to pay the damages you caused but hey your dead what do you care you saved $10 last month...
Im not entitled at all. I work my ****ing *** off for every thing I have. I have gotten no hand outs and Ive worked full time since I was 15 to pay for everything I wanted in my life. So im entitled and the world owes me? Thank people like me for the fact that you have electricity in your ****ing house... THATS all I entitled to.

Like I said, In a car you would be dumb to not have 1m but on a bike no. And also like I said, If you have a family, GET THE 1M. I also am well aware that Im not the only one paying stupid amounts for insurance, but seemingly I am the only one willing to make a scene about it and try to get something changed. The rest of you roll over and take an all american up the ****ing *** and just accept it.

Ive been riding for 9 years, on both cruisers and SS's so Im not talking out my *** when I say that it makes no sense for 1m on a bike. You may not agree with my opinion and thats your prerogative but you dont know me. You have never met me. you calling me entitled is clearly your view on a generation you expect me to be from based on my comments.

Just so your all aware, I make more than enough money to pay full coverage collision and comprehensive theft and fire on any bike on the road, I CHOOSE not to because I'm tired of paying for a service that everyone else gets to use because I'm a good enough driver/rider to keep my **** in one ****ing piece. The reason I only buy 200k is one Ive calculated for my self to make the most sense.

If your all that worried about it. Buy 1M and stick another tampon in get the sand out when some one else refuses to just accept the big hard shaft of the industry.
Ps. The link to the news posted at the top of the page here...

It was a tragedy yes, and condolences to everyone who was hurt, but lets look at a fact here. the girls were jaywalking. They were committing an offence. Jaywalking is illegal Just like speeding and wheelies but no, Lets take all the blame away from the people who were doing something wrong and place it solely on the motorcycle just like you should because the rider is a bad person for being on a motorcycle.

No where in the report does it say the bike was speeding or stunting, no where does it say that the biker was the one doing something wrong. It DOES however say that the girls were jaywalking (Rather it imply s that they were because its a common occurrence to get from the school to the local shops across the roadway) So in that case, the fact that the rider has 200 or 1m should change nothing because it wasnt his negligence that caused the problem. But what you just did there by posting that and using it as your defense is the problem in the province that needs to ****ing change. What you did there was blame the bike because he hit someone and killed them. Well if they weren't in the middle of the road where they shouldn't have been, it wouldn't have happened. And in this case the biker should sue the ****ing pants off the family of the girl he hit.

Now, Lets all just agree that all the facts are NOT in that report, but do you see how I took something that looked like a bike was the cause of a tragedy and can show you the other side where infact the bike was the victim here? Everything I said in the comment here was hypothetical because none of us know of all the facts I was just trying to show you another side of the situation here where 200k coverage should not have been an issue because the insured was the victim not the cause.


It does say that vehicles often travel faster than posted limits on that particular stretch, My bad.... But my point still stands
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Just because you're dead does not mean that the other victims can't pursue you posthumously to recover damages in excess of your $200k insurance policy.

Things get more complicated but any estates or assets in your name goes to them. The house you leave your wife/kids could be gone to pay off the victims' settlements.

It would be naïve to suggest that death or poor quality life is going to relieve you of financial responsibility for the damaged you caused.


edit: I have a family friend who was hit by a car when he was 7yrs old, and now he's a special needs kid. After ~10 years of court battle with a team of lawyers, they've settled for over $1.5 million.

It could be as simple as mounting the curb and hitting a kid or pregnant women on the sidewalk.

Money adds up very quickly, especially when brain damage is involved.

You just proved my point anyway. Almost no insurance would cover that. 1.5 million plus fees, etc. It can easily push over 2 million, so even if you had the best policy you'd be screwed. When you're just Joe Blow, the difference between owing $2,000,000 and say $500,000 is pretty much nil. I'd never be able to pay *either* off.
Also, if you even own a house Kyle, please make sure you do not get home insurance. You will save a lot of money. According to your logic, if your house goes on fire you'll most likely be dead anyways.
Also, if you even own a house Kyle, please make sure you do not get home insurance. You will save a lot of money. According to your logic, if your house goes on fire you'll most likely be dead anyways.

Since he's got skills riding why even have insurance?
Drivers out there who're operating without insurance are putting themselves in very difficult situations. The scenario where an uninsured driver hits a jaywalker who runs out onto the street; even though they're not at-fault... because they don't have insurance, their first instinct is to RUN.

And that split-second selfish decision and lack of immediate aid to that jaywalker could lead to their death. We have so many 'hit & run' accidents where people could've lived had these uninsured drivers stopped to render aid. Even if that meant simply calling 911, they're so afraid that the 911 call will be traced to them and their uninsured vehicle... they don't even do that.

They're so scared about the $5000 fine, that they'd let a fellow human-being die.
Drivers out there who're operating without insurance are putting themselves in very difficult situations. The scenario where an uninsured driver hits a jaywalker who runs out onto the street; even though they're not at-fault... because they don't have insurance, their first instinct is to RUN.

And that split-second selfish decision and lack of immediate aid to that jaywalker could lead to their death. We have so many 'hit & run' accidents where people could've lived had these uninsured drivers stopped to render aid. Even if that meant simply calling 911, they're so afraid that the 911 call will be traced to them and their uninsured vehicle... they don't even do that.

They're so scared about the $5000 fine, that they'd let a fellow human-being die.

Blame the government for insurance cost first, if it is reduced by 50% I am positive A LOT of people are willing to pay. Toronto and especially the suburbs are auto-city, people can't survive a reasonable quality of life without automobile in these areas.
The house fire is the dumbest comment yet..... you may not be in your house when it catches fire. That a compleatly different scenario and a dumb apples to oranges comparison. Tool.

also, Im not going to tell the online world my riding history with or without insurance. but suffice to say that soon enough it will be the only option for all of us on supersports and Im ready for that.

But im done with this thread. It was fun for a moment but now its old. Enjoy yourselves.
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