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  1. CruisnGrrl


    it appears to have doubled in value... i keep meaning to buy $5 worth of that coin. if it takes off, yay. if not. c'est la vie
  2. CruisnGrrl

    Android to hide your signal strength at carriers request basically if bell doesn't want you to see how strong (or weak) your signal is then your android phone is going to hide it from you. Sure you could install something like linage or the like (if it supports your phone) but often...
  3. CruisnGrrl

    Hydro bill

    a good ice storm will take care of the transmission infrastructure... :/
  4. CruisnGrrl

    At fault collision in the USA

    A friend rear ended someone in the states, I believe he has full coverage (i'd have to ask to double check). Not much damage to the car that was hit, how ever my friend's car got skewered, the car that was hit had a hitch and it punched through the bumper into the rad on my friend's car. No...
  5. CruisnGrrl

    What games do you play?

    Been playing Warframe lately. It is a co-operative shooter, I'm not that great, can't use a mouse for long with out pain so I'm using a logitech f310 controller which is set up much like the PS3 controller but with a wire. Wish the f310 had force feedback, for that need the f710 and because we...
  6. CruisnGrrl

    Snow Blower Recommendations

    I forget which model we have, it was normally 899 at lowes, we got it on sale for 600 and dad got a $100 gift card for picking it up because my local didn't have any (in store purchase only). has the same briggs and stratton engine as everyone else in that price range. i do wish it had skid...
  7. CruisnGrrl

    Doomsday prediction

    Kathleen Wynn is a conservative posing as a Liberal. replace them all.
  8. CruisnGrrl

    8 year old wants to shut down Party City for cultural appropriation

    america is the great melting pot, technically like rome, all cultures have been adopted by them... canada being a mosaic, not so much
  9. CruisnGrrl

    Late night thread

    Been reading a c# manual, it's the size of the toronto yellow and white pages circa 1990, booster seat capable. I'm not sure if it's the dry material or the crushing weight.
  10. CruisnGrrl

    Massive personal data hack - and you may be affected - Equifax

    Even worse, it wasn't even a skilled hack. The user name and password combo was "admin/admin". That is correct, they GAVE AWAY YOUR INFO.
  11. CruisnGrrl

    Justin Trudeau on Migrants entering Quebec

    I like most of what the NDP stated in the last election but people equate them with communists. the liberals and conservatives tend to be the same coin, just opposite sides. A lot of the stuff we complained about with Harper (other than the alt right bigotry). Look at the TPP, look at...
  12. CruisnGrrl

    How much do you pay in Taxes?

    Ontario isn't the only jurisdiction that has roads built.
  13. CruisnGrrl

    How much do you pay in Taxes?

    Studdies have shown the roads cost less and last longer in the long run when the government builds them rather than farming them out to the lowest bidder.
  14. CruisnGrrl

    Wynne down to 11% rating/popularity. Lowest ever. Can she get into single digits?

    Mcdonalds has actually been looking at paying more than minimum wage (in the corporate owned stores) and rather than cut back staff they've been changing the jobs they do. sure you're getting the self serve kiosks in the lobby but then you have the staff that would have been taking orders...
  15. CruisnGrrl

    need a new cell phone - have no idea...

    Not sure if it's taken effect yet but the CRTC has stated that the telcos will have to unlock phones for free.
  16. CruisnGrrl

    How much do you pay in Taxes?

    For those bitching about paying taxes that go to welfare recipients on drugs, places where drug tests were administered for welfare ended up costing more than what was saved denying people welfare. And that's just for the drug tests, it's not counting the social costs, but you're not paying for...
  17. CruisnGrrl

    Joe Bass' technology woes thread

    HAHAHAHAH :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: You're a comedian
  18. CruisnGrrl

    Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....
  19. CruisnGrrl

    Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....
  20. CruisnGrrl

    New computer first world problems

    the HTC vive is on sale for $600usd, the Rift is still on sale for $400 USD. I forget which one has the minimum of 1050ti and which one has the minimum of 1060, but I wouldn't bother with minimums.
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