8 year old wants to shut down Party City for cultural appropriation


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“I want them to stop selling these [costumes] so the company will have to close down from lack of interest,” said the little girl.

One can only wonder where she gets these ideals from :rolleyes:

Charlie, who is only in the third grade, says she has been learning about cultural appropriation in school.

Learning about cultural appropriation in third grade, really? REALLY?

She might want to change her name to Aurnia or Chetas to stay on the proper side of this issue.

Sorry Charlie.
Looks to me like an attention seeking mom wants to brag about what her daughter learned in school.

Schools have been telling students not to wear the First Nation's headdress for years now for Halloween.

At least this is "News" rather than explosions and deaths all around...
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I'm 1/8 Ojibwe, and my first thought was why should some 8 year old and their SJW mother who have lived a closeted life and have no clue about what First Nations went through or even the basics of their culture know what's offensive.

Don't get me wrong. I'm as white as Wonder Bread and I don't identify as First Nations as that would be offensive to aboriginal peoples if I did; and I'm certainly not going to try and address complex cultural issues on their behalf.
Cause it's a great bandwagon to get on to show you care.....

....says the cynic in me. Maybe the mother actually cares. I don't know.
most 8 yr olds thought the Disney Pocahontas movie was pretty cool, dressing like her may be fun. Maybe dressing like Snow white should be put on hold also since she dressed like a fictional peasant, and may offend fictional peasants.

I really liked Pirates of the Carribean, but I dont have a cruiser bike right now. I dont want to offend the Shadow owners.

The crux of the story is mom could have mailed the letter..... BUT SHE POSTED IT TO HER SOCIAL MEDIA. ..... I smell a mommy looking for attention......
I'm sorry, but "All Hallows Eve" being a sacred SCOTTISH tradition of the auld Druid religion should only be observed by true blood Scots and their descendants. This trivializing of one of our most important observances is an absolute affront to my Scottish ancestors and all the great clans of Scotland. No more Halloween. It's like you're all making fun of us or something in your clown and pirate costumes. Why it's just so offensive.
Wait. If I'm an English, Irish, Scottish, with a wee bit of Italian, but mostly Canadian for many generations mud blood. Does that mean that I have no culture, and I'm culturally appropriating continuously?
I'm sorry, but "All Hallows Eve" being a sacred SCOTTISH tradition of the auld Druid religion should only be observed by true blood Scots and their descendants. This trivializing of one of our most important observances is an absolute affront to my Scottish ancestors and all the great clans of Scotland. No more Halloween. It's like you're all making fun of us or something in your clown and pirate costumes. Why it's just so offensive.

Well.... then no tiny bag of potato chips for you.
I never said dress like a dwarf, sorry little person, I said dress like the beautiful girl that would be a princess. Not an Indian princess, sorry aboriginal first nation princess, because that would be wrong.

And stop dressing like a zombie, the undead have no feelings, but you get the point.
not being a native, guess I don't know if that costume would offend natives

but I can relate it to my background, my culture: Scotland

so if I saw kids wearing kilts and full highland gear at Halloween

I'd be alright with them paying respect to my heritage

one of Canada's founding cultures
I thought that the whole cultural appropriation thing was supposed to only be related to art, which is kind of silly, since the only thing limiting art expression is the law.

Now it seems to be expanding into other areas. If there wasn't cultural appropriation, many areas of the world would still be in the stone age. Sorry, no fire for you! No wheel for you!
Leftists logic:

You can change your gender (literally in their mind) and choose one of 50+ genders you like including star gender. A biological impossibility.

But you can NOT choose your costume? lol
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