Doomsday prediction

If the PCs can't put together a compelling enough leader and campaign to rout a loser premier currently hovering near single-digit approval ratings they don't deserve to lead the province either.
If the PCs can't put together a compelling enough leader and campaign to rout a loser premier currently hovering near single-digit approval ratings they don't deserve to lead the province either.

+1 well said. So far I see not platform from them, other than we are not Kathleen Wynne.
other than we are not Kathleen Wynne.

Once again, this seems to be the way things are heading. It is shocking that we pay so many people so much money and this is the best they can come up with.

Can we skip a term? Dump politicians for 4 years and let the bureaucrats run things. IME, most of the time politicians just make a mess of work performed by competent people. Have another election at the end where we can pick lib/con/none. Only half joking about things being better without any of them.
I guess a lot of people hope that Wynne and Company will accidentally get something right. Sort of the thing about a broken clock being right twice a day.
The liberal press are already working on salvaging her reputation and making Patrick Brown look like the bad guy.
Gawd I hope not.

A couple of the times McSquinty was undeservedly elected were due to the PCs screwing up in some fashion, either by having an extremely unpopular leader, or by having a platform that was on the wrong side of public opinion.
We're F'ed. Patrick Brown is a f'ing liberal posing as a Conservative.
We're F'ed. Patrick Brown is a f'ing liberal posing as a Conservative.

He changed since he became party leader, he won the party leadership against Christine Elliott (who was progressive) by pushing a homophobic, anti women's rights, bigoted agenda (his federal voting record shows he held these beliefs for a long time prior). Then once he won...he at some point decided he was no longer a bigot, no longer a homophone and no longer anti women's rights--totally flipped. For those of us who are progressive the question is who is the real Patrick Brown--is his new found position an epiphany or just a scam to get the party elected? I know he has angered a lot of people in the party who hold these outdated beliefs and supported him in his run for party leadership over Elliott.

Personally, if Christine Elliott was at the helm this election would be a landslide. I have serious worries about Brown's ability to win, never-mind his baggage.
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