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  1. carito

    Got tired of the name No one can pronounce it properly. Registered as Lina. Look...

    Got tired of the name No one can pronounce it properly. Registered as Lina. Look me up if you need me =o)
  2. carito

    who here wear's a suit rising their bike to commute to work?

    Yup, tail pack for the shirt and keep the heels at the office. I just get here before everyone and straighten myself up. Lol try to minimize the helmet hair as much as possible.
  3. carito

    Does anyone know of a SF agent who will insure a 25 y.o. with a G2 with 1y. history?

    Try calling diff agents. Also SF is a lot more reasonable if you take your car there as well.
  4. carito

    What'd you name your bike?

    Lol yup, been hiding under a rock. I thought it was appropriate =o)
  5. carito

    What'd you name your bike?

    The car is Ricky Ricardo The gs was sparkles The crf150 was Milhouse The gixxer is tootsie-roll
  6. carito

    New girl here

    Welcome =o)
  7. carito

    Just can`t wrap my brain around it

    Try calling statefarm. If you bundle it comes out a lot lower. I have my house, car and life, pay 850 a year.
  8. carito

    Looking to Ride....

    Lol am I a complete nerd for asking: should you be getting on a bike with someone you dont know? There's a lot of crazy out there. No offense to any guys here, but unless I knew how a person handled a bike I would never get on the back.
  9. carito

    Its a dirt bike =o)

    Its a dirt bike =o)
  10. carito

    Ughh I know....I ended up building the fence for my backyard. It had to get done =-(

    Ughh I know....I ended up building the fence for my backyard. It had to get done =-(
  11. carito

    Sounds like a plan =o) Let me know when

    Sounds like a plan =o) Let me know when
  12. carito

    What Celebrity Would You Fight...and Why??

    With out a doubt - Tony Horton! The workout is amazing but his voice makes me want to hurt myself. If I ever see him, I will attack,
  13. carito

    Thanks.....The present one is my pride and joy. Lol she makes me smile.

    Thanks.....The present one is my pride and joy. Lol she makes me smile.
  14. carito

    Im still waiting for my drink....tomorrow though I'll settle for a poutine...or axia...or boston...

    Im still waiting for my drink....tomorrow though I'll settle for a poutine...or axia...or boston pizza.....F it! we'll eat it all.
  15. carito

    Hot picture....wanna hang out sometime =op

    Hot picture....wanna hang out sometime =op
  16. carito we have the same last name =-) we have the same last name =-)
  17. carito

    Hi best friend =-p

    Hi best friend =-p
  18. carito

    Post up PICS of members bikes?

    I love its just hard not to speed :angel12:
  19. carito

    Post up PICS of members bikes?

    This is my baby
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