What'd you name your bike?

I generally name all my vehicles after female names because in french (my first language) you say "une voiture, une moto". They are both feminine nouns so therefor a female name is only appropriate. When I explain my reasoning to english-only people, they don't understand and their brains react the same as if I divided by zero.

1st car: 89 Blazer - Geneviève
2nd car: 88 Mustang LX 5.0 - Stang-a-Rang (I had just watched "Hook" the night before I got her haha)
3rd car: 93 B2200 - Beth
4th car: 89 Nissan Hardbody - Missy (I liked to call her "Miss Mud" after taking her through the trails)
5th car: 95 Jimmy - JaneDoe

1st bike: 05 SV650S - Katie
My DL either goes by Bumble Wee or Suzi.
my first car was named ***-jerk. i hated that thing, but couldn't justify ditching it.
Pandora, because when you open it up evil comes out. Muah-ha-ha.

But i should rename it my nightmare, because it is always in the shop!!!!!
"Thelma", because the Sportster is a redhead from Arkansas.
98 Nissan Altima - Rudolph (because when I put the reindeer nose and horns on last Christmas my girls said that daddy's brown car looks like Rudolph.

82 Yamaha Vision XZ550 - Blue Hammer (because I painted the bike a Blue Hammer Finish colour)
My old Yamaha XS400- Ole Blue
My old Yamaha XS650- The Pig
My Suzuki GS750- No name until finished but the New Old Bike will do for now
My CBR125R- The Mistress (she has the tramp stamp to prove it:))
The R6 is Tipsy, as I had to buy my own track bike after I tipped over (and over and over and over and over - lol) someone else's!

The ZX is Bertha as she's fat and has no power or brakes compared to Tipsy.
I don't really name my vehicles but my wife and I call my bike the paperweight cuz things keep getting busy and I hardly get to ride it.
"my bike"
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