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  1. warp speed

    2008 blue R1 $7,500

    Thanks for looking. Mods pls delete
  2. warp speed

    Square One Area - Mississauga!

    Nice pics.
  3. warp speed

    wanted; 09 R6 passenger pegs

    pm me if you have one... cheers
  4. warp speed

    Standup wheelie down the 403.

    This guy rides better on 1 wheel than some yahoos I ride out of the timmies parking lot on 2 wheels
  5. warp speed

    Financing on a private sale bike?

    The answer is "yes". I go to state farm. They'll require the UVIP and that's it... They cut you a check. That's in my case at least. I have good standing with my agent. Then when I sell my old bike, I pay It off. Quick n easy
  6. warp speed

    going to be 20 degrees thursday april 18. Ride

    My sauga buddies showed up at my doorstep drenched. This was around 7pm.
  7. warp speed

    2007 r6

    Wow... Now I know who to pm when I get an R6. Thanks guys
  8. warp speed

    WTB 04/05 ZX10 Fork Sliders

    must be clean. pm me
  9. warp speed

    remember your first ride?

    Back in 89. I had an 86 FZ600. Just brought it home the night Before. Next day, my buddy shows up in his 87 hurricane 600. We went for a cruise around the neighborhood... we were the coolest kids on the block. Instant superstars... Hahaha
  10. warp speed

    Stolen 2008 cbr600rr graffiti

    A buddy of mine had a beat up 99 CBR F4 with gadzillion clicks and the bustards still took it... wow... sorry for the loss of your baby
  11. warp speed

    Wow, now that's a close call

    Holy crap !!!
  12. warp speed

    Close call today Mississauga Road Nov.22

    you were almost a hood ornament. go get a lotto ticket
  13. warp speed

    DanMoto Ti slip on for 08-09 ZX10 $130

    I bought it used, thinking it would fit my 05 ZX10 but the elbow pipe has a different set up so it's just gathering up dust on my shelf. Good condition, no drop or scratches. Located in Mississauga
  14. warp speed

    Mature sport bike rider group

    My 05 ZX10 is laughing at me cause I'm a wimp. It only reached close to redline once...the time it was on the dyno... hahaha. I'm in
  15. warp speed

    How soon is too soon?

    Pics ?
  16. warp speed

    1000 cc Supersport Insurance

    49 yrs old, clean record, $1540/ yr for a 05 ZX10 with state farm... makes me wanna drop down to a 600. Anybody wanna buy a babied ZX10?
  17. warp speed

    Kawi meet

    05 ZX10. Am I too late?
  18. warp speed

    Flash Mob - Car Wash / Motorycle Wash

    The look on those kids' faces... PRICELESS pager77, I hope my kids get you as their teacher When they reach high school. You're an awsome guy
  19. warp speed

    Flash Mob - Car Wash / Motorycle Wash

    See ya'll at no frills plaza
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