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  1. lil sushi

    Lil Sushi

    Wow...I just spotted this... Thank you everyone so much for all the love and support...Everyone...and I do mean EVERYONE has been fantastic about this. I'm INCREDIBLY lucky, and as the police and firefighters have stated, All were shocked I didn't somersault over the truck. I'm well, and only...
  2. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    Don't wanna jack the thread...but thank you all for your wishes... I'm incredibly lucky to be alive and that it wasn't any worse...I have horseshoes where the sun don't shine...long and short I tboned a pickup truck...I had a green and was going straight...he turned left in front of me...there...
  3. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    Where: Yonge and Cummer When: noon today (Friday) You: on a yellow bike Me: on the ground with my black bike lying next to me in shock from the truck impact. Thank you...for everything..for staying, for your kindness, for making sure the witnesses stayed while the police, fire dept, and...
  4. lil sushi

    Best Buy mobile is TERRIBLE

    To OP...write an email to BestBuy / BestBuy Mobile head office explaining your displeasure...You may not like them..but sometimes free stuff makes the hassle a little easier. Just sayin'.
  5. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    Where: Gardiner West off ramp to Lakeshore Spadina/Bathurst Exit You: Blue R6, in khaki shorts Me: Black 650r Ninja, wearing all black As I said to you at Dan Leckie Way..I still can't believe you were wearing shorts...Let's hope for all of our sake your reasoning to bring back summer works...
  6. lil sushi

    Fish dating site hahha

    LOL...double bag's all good.
  7. lil sushi

    Fish dating site hahha

    I'm gonna go hide under a rock while you all go ahead and flame....thanks *starts looking for a boulder*
  8. lil sushi

    Fish dating site hahha

    I'm just gonna put it out there...James12Lucy and Gilligan are lucky *** mo sayin' it makes a little more sense?
  9. lil sushi

    Fish dating site hahha

    LOL....Deja've had this convo before right? I believe the conclusion was i was too busy we were trying to find a play date? =P
  10. lil sushi

    Fish dating site hahha

    *hugs* guys are too cute...and as i posted on Amazon's fb...I love you, but hate that I just puked in my mouth a little *hugs nonetheless*...=)
  11. lil sushi

    Brampton PowerSports Facebook Photo Challenge

    Sorry...should've added i was watching his vids the other night...i think the Autobot helped his win =P
  12. lil sushi

    Fish dating site hahha

    And no lack of confidence on your
  13. lil sushi

    Fish dating site hahha

    LOL...that's all i got...LOL
  14. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    LOL...ding ding ding..and there were two others, but I don't know their board names... @Spinz...I assume your buddies were the 2 in the car? LOL...they were nice...really funny too LOL
  15. lil sushi

    Brampton PowerSports Facebook Photo Challenge

    LOL...Have you seen that dude ride>?? holy crap with his leans...Glad he won!! His lean deserved it =) I'm going back to watch Twist of the Wrist again...I feel pwnd LOL
  16. lil sushi

    What do you do for a living?

    So you're a gyno..=P
  17. lil sushi

    Bystanders pull motorcyclist from under a burning car

    @OP's link...just astonishing @Agave's link...I seriously got sick from watching that...the driver was just wandering back and forth then got her purse from the car..and noone did ANYTHING to help him except video tape it>? disgusting.
  18. lil sushi

    What do you do for a living?

    ROFLMAO!! *squishy hugs* X2 IOU on the baconator...I'll buy you one at L&L =P
  19. lil sushi

    Monday Meet Up for Ice Cream, Dessert, and Sweets! 2.0

    Meeting at Tim's first? I'll follow you there...I never remember how to get there...I'm typical asian that way man...bad with direction(s)
  20. lil sushi

    Monday Meet Up for Ice Cream, Dessert, and Sweets! 2.0

    She be killin' em!! Cat: I dunno where anyone wants to go...I just need ice cream!!...had the alcohol therapy this time for the ice cream therapy LOL
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