Bystanders pull motorcyclist from under a burning car

Awesome. Couldn't watch the vid at work but what a great bunch of people that pulled together to save this person.
Amazing to see strangers work together to save this man's life instead of falling into the trap of the "Bystander effect" that we see all too often these days.
Amazing to see strangers work together to save this man's life instead of falling into the trap of the "Bystander effect" that we see all too often these days.

Bystander effect only applies to criminal violence, most people will still help others when it's an accident.
I wonder if that guy in the suit just standing around not helping anyone was the driver, and if so, I wonder if it was the driver's fault. According to the news story:

Police said the BMW pulled out of a parking lot and in front of the motorcyclist. Curtis said the motorcyclist tried to avoid the car, which resulted in him laying the motorcycle down.

If that friggin' cager caused the accident and wasn't even trying to help the poor guy he pinned under his car, I hope Karma catches up with him...

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The very definition of heroic. Applause to Utah!
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Bystander effect only applies to criminal violence, most people will still help others when it's an accident.

Not true, I was in a park fairly far from the road when I heard a collision. I started running towards the street to see if I can do anything to help and passed several groups of people in the park who heard the same thing as I did and were much closer to the incident and they carried on with their business like nothing had happened at all.

If that friggin' cager caused the accident and wasn't even trying to help the poor guy he pinned under his car, I hope Karma catches up with him...

If he was just standing by it could mean that he was in shock from causing the collision. Everyone deals with shock differently.
I agree. I'm not one to stand around when **** hits the fan. I'm sure you've heard of fight, flight or freeze. Well there are people that freeze and that's life too. Try being mid arrest when you realize you have a partner that freezes...not cool.

Everyone deal's with LIFE differently... shock or no shock - if you just crushed someone with your car standing around is a pathetic choice.
@OP's link...just astonishing

@Agave's link...I seriously got sick from watching that...the driver was just wandering back and forth then got her purse from the car..and noone did ANYTHING to help him except video tape it>? disgusting.
Agree completely.....He was still alive under there, it can be heard by may have done nothing, but had they lifted the car off him like the other video it might have helped!!! I couldnt just stand there....TERRIBLE!

@OP's link...just astonishing

@Agave's link...I seriously got sick from watching that...the driver was just wandering back and forth then got her purse from the car..and noone did ANYTHING to help him except video tape it>? disgusting.
that cager doesnt seem physically capable to help
Amazing thread here. You have two incidents relatively the same. Yet two entirely different outcomes. Read the comments on Agaves post/video. Is it a race thing? Someone wrote "if he was black they would have beaten that lady to death." There may be some truth to that. It's clear that American's don't like their own country:

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So, America is now a third world country?
Canada, here I come.
Posted 3 days ago By kaos1978 (+359)
I can see a pretty big difference between the two videos

video 1 - the car and bike are engulfed in flames. Not moving the motorcyclist before emergency services arrives puts the victim's life at CONSIDERABLE risk, enough to justify moving the car in such an unsafe manner

video 2 - whether that car is lifted up or not - no one there is gonna be able to do a thing (medically) for that motorcyclist. Car isn't on fire, the risk to his life isn't changing wedged under that wheel or lying hapless on the street with the same crowd standing around him. I wouldn't want a bunch of people trying to lift a car I'm wedged under without proper training/equipment if it isn't going to make a lick of a difference in saving my life. Ironically if you read the actual description of the video - the fire department DID drop the car on I'm not sure what to make of that. I certainly didn't see that in the video. I also played both videos sound off. If the guy was actually alive and making audible noises, it IS pretty disgusting that no one went over to him and at least tried to talk/console/keep him conscious.

Seems to me like people are just reaching in terms of the racial ****.
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