Brampton PowerSports Facebook Photo Challenge

Thanks babe...between you and Alishia...I'm gonna have to pimp out a little more on the social girls are giving me a run for my money =)

All's good though...all the pics are fantastic...@Gharvey...can't EVERYONE win?! *bats eyelashes rapidly*

Agreed, pics are fantastic and now is the time to pimp out your social media networking skills!

The world would be a wonderful place if everyone could win :p:laughing8: I do wish everyone could win though! The turn out has been great and we are very grateful for all the submissions and interest you folks have given us.
Thanks babe...between you and Alishia...I'm gonna have to pimp out a little more on the social girls are giving me a run for my money =)

All's good though...all the pics are fantastic...@Gharvey...can't EVERYONE win?! *bats eyelashes rapidly*

Agreed, Pics are fantastic and now is the time to pimp your social media network skills to get those last minute votes! Honestly, I do wish everyone could win but then were would the competition come from :P ??? Because this contest has been so successful keep your eye out for contests to come! Thanks to everyone who has sent in submissions and taken the time to be apart of the contest! Cheers and safe riding!
Congratulations David Serventi for winning the Brampton PowerSports Facebook Photo Challenge with an amazing 136 votes! I think you surprised many people that a male can still win a photo contest! Your participation, interest and voice have been appreciated here on our Facebook page since the beginning and we hope you continue to stay connected and watch for more upcoming promotions and contests! Safe riding!

Thank you to all the other participants who joined Brampton PowerSports Facebook page and took the time to send in their photos and to all of you who wanted to support your friends and family in the contest. Make sure to keep your eye out for up and coming promotions and other contests! Safe riding and thanks again to all of you that made our contest such a success!

Link to photo contest gallery - Davids is the first picture -

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Honda FTW!
I would have voted for the skanky looking chick with the booty short's on (on the yellow bike)...
Sheet ! didn't win
Thanks for competing ladies and gents! Keep your eyes open for our next contest! And keep your eye out on our Facebook page for funny/cool videos! We will do our best not to spam your news feed with useless crap!
Wow, I would have thought one of the chicks would win.

LOL...Have you seen that dude ride>?? holy crap with his leans...Glad he won!! His lean deserved it =)

I'm going back to watch Twist of the Wrist again...I feel pwnd LOL
Sorry...should've added i was watching his vids the other night...i think the Autobot helped his win =P
Damn, I should have used pictures on my interceptor then, it was an autobot as well. Oh well, next season my bike will be custom batman themed :D
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